I'm solving the 11th day of the Advent of Code.
The input is:
Monkey 0:
Starting items : 79, 98
Operation : new = old * 19
Test : divisible by 23
If true : throw to monkey 2
If false : throw to monkey 3
Monkey 1 :
Starting items : 54, 65, 75, 74
Operation : new = old + 6
Test : divisible by 19
If true : throw to monkey 2
If false : throw to monkey 0
Monkey 2 :
Starting items : 79, 60, 97
Operation : new = old * old
Test : divisible by 13
If true : throw to monkey 1
If false : throw to monkey 3
Monkey 3 :
Starting items : 74
Operation : new = old + 3
Test : divisible by 17
If true : throw to monkey 0
If false : throw to monkey 1
I was thinking that I could make a class which would then be used for each monkey that would kinda look like this:
class Monkey{
int *Items;
int operation();
void throw();
The problem is that each monkey has diffent operation and throw function.
Can I somehow set this function when creating each monkey?
int *Items;
and supporting code withstd::vector<int> items;
will manage many of the thorny problems like sizing, counting the contents and proper destruction for you.