I'm appending to an existing div in my page. The appended text contains html code in string. The problem is, events aren't working when I add click on them after appending to page. I guess Jquery loads control on page load and I have to do something to attack the events again.

2 Answers 2


Try to use .live() or .delegate for this purpose.


You are missing delegate().

So if you run

$('#workingArea a.doAction').bind('click', function(){
    // do stuff

or the equivalent

$('#workingArea a.doAction').click(function(){
    // do stuff

Any a's loaded after that runs don't get the event.

If instead you do

$('#workingArea').delegate('a.doAction', 'click', function(){
    // do stuff

then those events will be captured for any and all future a.doAction elements that get added, as long as #workingArea exists when it is run.


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