How to implement a template that gets a class and a pointer to a member of this class?

I want to template a sort of Accessor of the form

template<??? T, ??? P>
class Accessor
    // ...

    T& setMember(const Vector3d& point)
        T& obj = getObject<T>();
        obj.*P = point;
        return obj;

Here, there is a class T with a member P, both template variables. I know that P is always of type Vector3d. But I have to stay within C++17. Of course, if you have a C++20 technique... I want to know!

Also, Accessor does not have any reference to a T object. But the function getObject magically handles it here. Therefore do not need to care here.

I'd like to use it like this:

class Accessed
    Vector3d one_point;
    Vector3d another_point;

    class OneAccessor : public Accessor<&one_point> {};
    class AnotherAccessor : public Accessor<&another_point> {};

Notice the format : public Accessor<&one_point>.

Maybe public Accessor<&Accessed::one_point>.

I would prefer

public Accessor<one_point> // or 
public Accessor<Accessed::one_point>

without the &. I'd like Accessed:: to be inferred.

If you have an answer to my problem that you want to deliver, I would very much like to see it.

  • The design seems overly complicated at first glance. How do you want to use the Accessed class and OneAccessor/AnotherAccessor classes?
    – Mikhail
    Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 18:27
  • You can use Accessor<&Accessed::one_point> but then where will the Accessed pointer come from when you call setMember? Are you willing to pass the Accessed* to the Accessor constructor? I suspect that if we saw the larger picture, we'd want to solve it a completely different way. Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 18:29
  • @JohnZwinck: No, I do not want to pass it to the constructor. Please, take it as if you were reading "cppreference.com". They write things like template<auto...> struct C {}; and nobody argues. :-) Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 19:19
  • @JohnZwinck: Yes... Accessor<&Accessed::one_point> is nice. But how do I declare the template for Accessor? Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 19:22
  • They write things like template<auto...> struct C {}; and nobody argues. Sure, but their examples actually makes sense and are self-explained, even if they are a bit hard to wrap your head around sometimes. Asking you to clarify your question is not the same as arguing.
    – super
    Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 20:41

3 Answers 3


The class member type of passed class member pointer can be found by a trait. However, the syntax Accessor<decltype(&Accessed::one_point)> elimination, might require a deduction guide, which I leave it to you.

Assuming the Accessor would have an internal state for the member of the Accessed, you can round up a solution as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

using Vector3d = std::string; // just for test

template <typename T> struct member {};
// traits for member type
template<typename Class, typename Type>
struct member<Type Class::*> {
    using mem_type = Type;
    using class_type = Class;
// alias types for convenience
template<typename T> using class_type_t = typename member<T>::class_type;
template<typename T> using mem_type_t = typename member<T>::mem_type;

template<typename T> class Accessor
    T mMember;
    explicit Accessor(T mem)
        : mMember{mem}
    auto setMember(const Vector3d& point);  

class Accessed
    Vector3d one_point;
    Vector3d another_point;

    struct OneAccessor : public Accessor<decltype(&Accessed::one_point)> {
            : Accessor<decltype(&Accessed::one_point)>{ &Accessed::one_point }
        auto test(const Vector3d& point);
    auto getOne() const { return one_point;  }

template<typename T>
auto Accessor<T>::setMember(const Vector3d& point)
    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<class_type_t<T>, Accessed>)
        static class_type_t<T> obj{};
        obj.*mMember = point;
        return obj;

auto Accessed::OneAccessor::test(const Vector3d& point)
    return this->setMember(point);

int main()
    Accessed::OneAccessor ob;
    auto var = ob.test("Hello world\n");
    std::cout << var.getOne();

    var = ob.test("Good bye\n");
    std::cout << var.getOne();

See a live demo in godbolt.org´

The following, leave it to the OP:

  • I have tweaked a bit of the original code such as Vector3d, getObject<T>(), etc.
  • There can be some more improvements done for the above, such as deduction guide or re-arrange some part of code, if valid.
  • I will finally find out what a "trait" is!!! <3 Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 19:29
  • Thank you for your time, dedication and patience! Yours is certainly the most complete and carefully written answer. I will accept @krisz's answer because it is simpler and more direct. I have learned a lot. :-) Commented Mar 15, 2023 at 1:16
template <typename T>
struct class_type;

template<typename T>
struct class_type<Vector3d T::*> {
    using type = T;

template<auto P>
struct Accessor
    using T = typename class_type<decltype(P)>::type;

    T& setMember(const Vector3d& point)
        T& obj = getObject<T>();
        obj.*P = point;
        return obj;

class Accessed
    Vector3d one_point;
    Vector3d another_point;

    class OneAccessor : public Accessor<&Accessed::one_point> {};
    class AnotherAccessor : public Accessor<&Accessed::another_point> {};

Another version using variables:

template<typename T>
struct Accessor
    Vector3d T::* p;

    constexpr Accessor(Vector3d T::* p) :p{p} {}

    T& setMember(const Vector3d& point)
        T& obj = getObject<T>();
        obj.*p = point;
        return obj;

struct Accessed
    Vector3d one_point;
    Vector3d another_point;

    static constexpr Accessor OneAccessor{&Accessed::one_point};
    static constexpr Accessor AnotherAccessor{&Accessed::another_point};
  • Okay... I didn't test it, yet... but I guess that if this works, it is what one is supposed to do whenever s/he attempts to template<typename T> template<... something that uses T>. :-) Commented Mar 14, 2023 at 21:06

I do not really understand your use case but to answer the question: it is possible to use a member function as a non-type parameter of a template. The following code illustrates the syntax:

#include <iostream>

class foo {
    int bar_;
    void setBar(int n = 0) {
        bar_ = n;
    int getBar() const {
        return bar_;

template<typename T, void(T::*F)(int)>
class accessor {
    T& accessee_;
    accessor(T& a) : accessee_(a) {};
    T& setMember(int n) {
        auto& obj = accessee_;
        return obj;

int main()
    foo a_foo;
    accessor<foo, &foo::setBar> foo_accessor(a_foo);
    foo& ref_to_a_foo = foo_accessor.setMember(42);
    std::cout << ref_to_a_foo.getBar() << "\n";

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