I have few classes that i use for my spring batch job execution like one below. I want to append a constant string SPRING_BATCH_JOB to the names of loggers of all these classes so that it will make my log filtering easier. I tried passing topic to @Slf4j annotation (@Slf4j(topic = "SPRING_BATCH_LOG") ). It will just print this constant literal and will not print the class name. That is not exactly what i want to achieve.

For an instance, I want to print the log statement log.info("Creating a retry job execution") as {"@timestamp":"2023-03-21T05:34:24.345+00:00","message":"Creating a retry job execution","logger":"SPRING_BATCH_LOG : c.v.r.r.c. RetryOb","thread":"http-nio-8086-exec-2","level":"INFO"}.

Is there any way to achieve this ???

public class RetryOb {

  private final RetryJobService retryJobService;

  public void retry(retryRequest retryRequest) {
    log.info("Creating a retry Initiate job execution");

1 Answer 1


Yeah, you can use MDC, see Baeldung's article.

Not all slf4j's binder/loggers support this feature. As far as I know logback one who supports it => Chapter 8: Mapped Diagnostic Context

If you want to suppress a class name tune a custom layout.

To get JSON output try to use logback's JSON appender.

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