I am using wso2 API manager 3.2.0 .I want to check incoming requests Content Type that it only allowed to be application/json if any other type sent as content type for example application/xml ,415 Unsupported Media Type as must be show as status code for all resources in a rest API.how can I do this.for example I sent following request and recieve 500 internal server error , my goal is to check content type and if content type was not application/json , statu code 415 Unsupported Media Type show to client as response :

curl --location --request POST '' \
--data ''

1 Answer 1


You can create a Custom Mediation Policy and engage the following logic.

<filter regex="application/json" source="$trp:Content-Type">
      <property value="415" name="HTTP_SC" scope="axis2"/>

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