I have similar usecase as mentioned in HTML Entity for new line not working in IE10

<Column columnKey="status" header="Status" body={status} style={{ width: '150px', textAlign: "center" }} headerTooltipOptions={{event:"both", hideDelay: 1000 }} headerTooltip="Status for non-leaf nodes: count of healthy, unhealthy, warning and missing leaf nodes. &#10; &#13; Status for leaf nodes: health status."/>

The tooltip text need to have new line. I tried adding &#10; &#13; but it is not working.. I came across pre tag. But i am not sure about its usage.

I am using primereact. Column api : https://primereact.org/treetable/#api.Column

How to use pre in such scenario?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


Added below const and used it as reference

const tooltiptext = "Status for non-leaf nodes: count of healthy, unhealthy, warning and missing leaf nodes.\nStatus for leaf nodes: health status."

and used above as reference:

<Column columnKey="status" header="Status" body={status} style={{ width: '150px', textAlign: "center" }} headerTooltipOptions={{event:"both", hideDelay: 1000 }} headerTooltip={tooltiptext}/>

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