I have a function that returns all songs in the Music library with the same year as the currently playing one. It looks like this:
private func loadSongsByYear() {
let query = MPMediaQuery.songs()
query.addFilterPredicate(MPMediaPropertyPredicate(value: false, forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyIsCloudItem))
if let items = query.items {
if let yearInt = Int(year) {
songsByYear = items.filter { item in
if let itemYearNumber = item.value(forProperty: "year") as? NSNumber {
return itemYearNumber.intValue == yearInt
return false
} else {
songsByYear = items.filter { item in
return item.value(forProperty: "year") == nil
I call it in a ScrollView
with .onAppear
ScrollView {
//My ScrollView
.onAppear(perform: loadSongsByYear)
I want it to update when the currently playing song changes, so I added this .onRecieve
ScrollView {
//My ScrollView
.onAppear(perform: loadSongsByYear)
NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChange),
perform: { _ in
It almost works, except it is one step behind. If the currently playing song has the year 2000, and then I switch to a song from the year 2001, nothing changes, but when I switch a second time to a song from 2002, the songs from the year 2001 loads.
Have I misunderstood how .onRecieve
works or what am I doing wrong?
?@State private var songsByYear: [MPMediaItem] = []
receive(on: RunLoop.main)
to your publisher to jump to the next run loop and have access to the updated property.