I want to use Playwright UI Mode to run a specific test-file and be able to import some lines from a helper file Login.js.

  • It works as long as i do not import from a local file

  • If i try to import {Login_user_foo} from '../commons/Login'; then ui reports that there are no tests

The purpose of the helper file is to not repeat code lines in different test but reuse them like this await login_user_foo(page)

This code works with only 1 import

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
// import {Login_user_foo} from '../commons/Login'; // <-- if uncommented then it fails 

test.use({ storageState: './auth/auth_user_foo_qa.json', locale: 'en-US' });

test('Login', async ({ page }) => {
test('Open list', async ({ page }) => {

But it fails if a second import is added.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
// the next line causes playwright test --ui to not find any tests
import {Login_user_foo} from '../commons/Login'; 

test('Login', async ({ page }) => {

This is how the error looks like with import {Login_user_foo} from '../commons/Login';


The file Login.js that is imported looks like this:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

async function Login_user_foo(page) {

    await page.goto('<our-qa-stage>');
    await page.getByLabel('Remember me').check();                
    await page.getByLabel('Password').fill('<our-password>');    
    await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Log In to Sandbox' }).click();   

export {Login_user_foo};

I start playwright ui mode with this command:

// run a specific testfile in ui mode
npx playwright test --ui tests/my_new_test.spec.js


  • Is this a problem with my code or something that ui mode can not handle?
  • What do i need to change to be able to import functions from another file?


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