I want to read a value from the firebase realtime database and then update the value by incrementing it with 1 and then update it again on the firebase realtime database.

The javascript function is attached to a HTML tag.

     <a href="#" onclick="return LikeButton();">Link</a> <br><br>

In the image below, I want to update the value of Clicks by incrementing +1 everytime I click on the link inside the tag.

intended value

Here is the full code - clicks_count.html

I tried to first read the database using the get() function and then use the update() function to update the data aftering incrementing the read value by +1.

function LikeButton() {
    const dbref = ref(db);

    get(child(dbref, "Blogs/001/")).then((snapshot)=>{
            var val = snapshot.val().Clicks;
            update(ref(db, "Blogs/001"),{
                Clicks: Number(val) + 1,
                alert("data enter successful");
                alert("unsuccessful, error="+error);
            alert("No data found");
        alert("unsuccessful, error="+error);


I instead created a HTML button to work with my function and removed the link "" tags. I used the window.open() to open the link.

<button id="linkcntrbtn"> UPDATE </button>

Here's the JS function snippet

function LinkCounterButton() {
    const dbref = ref(db);

    get(child(dbref, "Blogs/001/")).then((snapshot)=>{
            clicksbox.value = Number(snapshot.val().Link01Count) + 1;
            var val = snapshot.val().Link01Count;
            update(ref(db, "Blogs/001"),{
                Link01Count: Number(val) + 1,
                alert("unsuccessful, error="+error);
            window.open("https://www.google.com", "_parent");
            alert("No data found");
        alert("unsuccessful, error="+error);
    return true;
linkcntrbtn.addEventListener('click', LinkCounterButton);
  • 1
    Is there any specific reason why you're not using the atomic increment operation shown here: firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/…? --- Also: you're writing to update(ref(db, "Articles/001/"),{, but the screenshot shows (and the code *reads): from /Blogs/001. Are those supposed t be the same? Commented May 22, 2023 at 23:51
  • @FrankvanPuffelen Thanks for your reply. I am new to using Firebase realtime database with HTML and javascript. I will look into the atomic operations. It was supposed to be "/Blogs/001". I edited it now. Commented May 23, 2023 at 0:07
  • @FrankvanPuffelen My javascript function seems to work with a button tag. I already tested it and it works. But I want to make it work with HTML <a href=""> tags everytime the link is clicked, the value gets incremented. Commented May 23, 2023 at 0:09

1 Answer 1


My guess is that your page navigates away before it has a change to write to the database. That's because the onclick handler on an a tag has no knowledge of the asynchronous operation you're performing.

Instead of returning the result of the LikeButton call (which is undefined), return a hard-coded value of false right away to prevent the page from navigating:

<a href="#" onclick="LikeButton(); return false">Link</a>
  • Thanks. I was still not able to work with the above so I instead created a button tag and attached a JS function to it. I updated the code snippet in the description above. Commented May 23, 2023 at 16:52
  • I had to specify the "website url" inside window.open in my function and also I am updating the value of "Link01Count" key for a particular button. So if I have multiple buttons , how can I pass the website URL and the "key" to update in firebase as arguments I don't want to have multiple functions for each button I have in my page. Commented May 23, 2023 at 17:00
  • Good to hear you got it working @NilutpolKashyap! 👍 --- Can you post the solution as an answer? That allows you to then accept it (after a few hours), which makes it clear to the system you've been helped, makes it easier for others to find the solution - and allows folks to then upvote your answer. Also see stackoverflow.com/help/self-answer Commented May 23, 2023 at 19:58

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