I am searching for some help in next situation:
I have some class and some method in it, syntax is like this:

class SomeClass {  
            void doSomething(int *a);  

So I want to call this method like

SomeClass::doSomething({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 });

Is it possible in any language? Any (C++, C, obj-c, obj-c++) implementation is welcome! I know that this initialization block is a body of array, like

int *a = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

But interface will look great, I think, if there will be no temp variables before function calls (as we don't need to know the type of parameter in class-client). So, is there any chance to make this?

4 Answers 4


In C99 this works:

functionThatTakesIntPtrOrArray( (int []){ 1, 2, 3, 4 } );

..and similar things can be done with structs.

  • 4
    Sadly doesn't work in C++. You get the error "taking address of temporary array".
    – Timmmm
    Commented Jul 21, 2015 at 11:08
  • Works with clang 6.0 (cpp)
    – user425678
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 7:21
  • 3
    I have been using this technique in Xcode with clang, and recently tried to compile it in visual studio 2017 without any success. I was wondering if this has any name, and why VS does not support it?
    – zalavari
    Commented Jul 1, 2018 at 15:46

This is about C++11 initializer lists (section 18.9).

void foo (std :: initializer_list <int> inputs) {
    for (auto i : inputs) {
        // ...

foo ({10, 20, 30});

Only the compiler can create an initializer list, but you can treat it like a standard STL-style container with begin(), end(), size(), and random-access iterators.

std::vector (and I expect some other containers) can now be constructed with initializer lists, so

std :: vector <std :: string> foo {"a", "b"};

is equivalent to

std :: vector <std :: string> foo;
foo .push_back ("a");
foo .push_back ("b");

except that it may perform fewer allocations. Note that the const char* have been turned into std::string automagically.

  • Actually, this will work with any container class, thanks to C++11's uniform initialization. Commented Oct 5, 2011 at 7:24

If initializer_list is not available, and the arrays are mostly small, there is another option, overloading << operator for std::vector like this:

template <typename T>
inline std::vector<T> operator <<( const std::vector<T>& vec, const T& val ) {
    std::vector<T> result(vec);
    return result;

With that, you can do this:

void foo (const std::vector<int>& inputs) {
    // ...

foo ( std::vector<int>() << 10 << 20 << 30 );

There is a price to pay for this convenience of single line initialization and not having to specify vector size. A copy of the prior vector is created for every element that is added, making running time at least quadratic in vector size -- that's why this is best suited for short vectors and cases when performance does not matter. There is a better solution for C++11, as pointed out in spraff's answer.


one can initialize a temporary array as a function parameter like so

// onboard LED
const byte LED_RED = 36;
const byte LED_BLUE = 34;
const byte LED_GREEN = 35;
void turnOffLedAll(){
        // TURN OFF ALL LED
      digitalWrite(LED_RED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
      digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW);
void statusLED(byte led[], byte stat, byte time=0) {
      // turn ON LED
      for(int i=0; i<(sizeof(led)/sizeof(led[0])); i++){
        digitalWrite(led[i], stat);
      if (time>0){

Considering the functions above an inline array initialization as a function parameter can be done like this:

   statusLED((byte*)(const byte[]){LED_RED}, LOW, 0);

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