Below is a machine- and build-specific implementation (NV = little-endian double).
It returns the number stored exactly, and it supports NaN, Infinity, -Infinity and -0 and subnormals. It trims leading zeros and trailing decimal zeroes.
sub double_to_bin {
my ($n) = @_;
my ($s, $e, $m) = unpack 'a a11 a52', unpack 'B64', "".reverse pack 'F', $n;
$s = $s ? '-' : '';
$e = oct("0b$e");
if ($e == 0x7ff) {
return ($m =~ /1/) ? 'NaN' : $s . 'Infinity'
} elsif ($e == 0x000) {
$m = "0$m"; $e -= 52;
} else {
$m = "1$m"; $e -= 1075;
if ($e >= 0) {
$m .= ('0' x $e);
} elsif ($e >= -52) {
substr($m, $e+53, 0, '.');
} else {
$m = '0.' . ('0' x (-$e-53)) . $m;
$m =~ s/^0+(?!\.)//;
$m =~ s/(?:\..*1\K|\.)0+\z//;
return $s . $m;
function. Take a look atperldoc -f pack