As stated, any way of retrieving App Logs, not just the test logs, using Xcode 14? all I see in xcresult files are the Runner's logs, but I need the app logs as well both when running via Xcode or through cli
1 Answer
Xcode 15
Third-party tools
You can also use some third-party helpers like xcparse, and XCResultExtractor (thanks @CMash).
Native tools
On Xcode 15 Reveal Diagnostics in Finder
context menu is gone, which seems VERY ODD. I'm currently facing the same problem as described in this Apple dev forum thread and I opened a Feeback Report FB13615178.
In the meantime, you can use xcresulttool
via CLI.
Get the object graph to get the IDs for the objects you want to export.
xcrun xcresulttool graph --path YourResult.xcresult/ > graph.log
Search for StandardOutputAndStandardError
to see where it is in the graph. Get its ID and export it:
xcrun xcresulttool export \
--type directory \
--path YourResult.xcresult/ \
--output-path ./Output \
--id <ID-HERE>
I believe we can put together a script to automatically extract the logs on a CI environment - this is our current goal. Please share if you have any progress.
Xcode 14
Open the .xcresult
in Xcode, right-click a test, and select Reveal Diagnostics in Finder
. You should see your simulator(s) folder(s) and inside one of those you'll see StandardOutputAndStandardError-bundle-id.txt
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Thanks for this @henrique, hopefully you've already put your own script together but if you haven't you're welcome to use or look at mine!– CMashCommented Apr 25 at 19:35