For those that have been helping me along the way with this twitter-clone, thank you!! With your help, I've managed to get most things working and finally now to the last steps of the followers function.

Right now, I have a dataset with the following fields: username, tweet, date

An example of the data could look like:

Username    Tweet             Date
kenny       hi!               2011-10-07 19:07:00
stan        hello             2011-10-05 18:07:00
kenny       looks like rain   2011-10-05 17:07:00
stan        hello             2011-10-05 14:07:00
cartman     authoritay!       2010-10-05 14:07:00

And I've been wrestling with the SQL statement that would produce a data set in which each user appears only once with their latest tweet. So, based on the above, something that looks like this:

Username    Tweet             Date
kenny       hi!               2011-10-07 19:07:00
stan        hello             2011-10-05 18:07:00
cartman     authoritay!       2010-10-05 14:07:00

I've been googling sql searches and have tried variations of COUNT, DISTINCT, MAX, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  • Are you using MySql or MS SQL database? Oct 7, 2011 at 10:34
  • Try using distinct expression, what's the SQL script statement your using? Oct 7, 2011 at 10:35
  • Hi, I'm using a mysql database
    – kurisukun
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:36
  • I tried a ton of statements over the course of the day, unfortunately. I tried DISTINCT again just now on the username, but it didn't produce any effect. I actually simplified my dataset for the purpose of posting this question, but my actual statement was something like this: SELECT DISTINCT username, content, date from tweets WHERE user_id IN (SELECT users.id FROM users INNER JOIN user_users ON users.id = user_users.followed_user_id WHERE user_users.user_id = 1) ORDER BY date desc
    – kurisukun
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:39

3 Answers 3

select d1.username, d1.tweet, d1.date from data d1 where d1.date = 
    (select max(d2.date) from data d2 where d1.username = d2.username)
  • thank you! I don't understand this syntax, but let me study it.
    – kurisukun
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:53

Would it not work just by

select distinct username, tweet, date order by date desc

(This is MSSQL syntax)

With new data in hand:

SELECT DISTINCT tweets.username, content, date from tweets 
WHERE user_id IN (
  SELECT users.id FROM users 
  INNER JOIN user_users ON users.id = user_users.followed_user_id 
WHERE user_users.user_id = 1) 
ORDER BY date desc
  • Actually, that was almost the exact statement I tried (I think). My actual dataset is a bit more complicated as I'm pulling the data from other tables. I tried this, but it didnt make each username appear only once: SELECT DISTINCT username, content, date from tweets WHERE user_id IN (SELECT users.id FROM users INNER JOIN user_users ON users.id = user_users.followed_user_id WHERE user_users.user_id = 1) ORDER BY date desc
    – kurisukun
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:41
  • Or maybe not... What columns do you actually have in your tweets table? Oct 7, 2011 at 10:45
  • Hi, thanks, but actually, I just tried explicitly putting the tweets.username , but still no luck. :(
    – kurisukun
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:46
  • Actually, I realized I'm not supposed to have a username within my tweets table. So now my tweets table looks like this: tweets (id, user_id, content) I just tried DISTINCT tweets.user_id, but the resulting set still included duplicate (or more) user_ids
    – kurisukun
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:51
      SELECT Username, MAX(`Date`) as maxval
      FROM  table GROUP BY Username    
     ) AS x INNER JOIN table AS f
ON f.Username  = x.Username  AND f.`Date`= x.maxval

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