In the database, there are 2 rows that match the query condition. If we run two parallel queries, the first query locks both rows and returns one, while the second query returns null
It would be desirable to have the ability to lock only one (returned) row to avoid such a situation.
const queryRunner : QueryRunner = this.connect.createQueryRunner();
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
const identificationProcess = await queryRunner.manager
.orderBy("identification_process.updated_at", "ASC")
.where("identification_process.status = :status", { status: IdentificationStatusEnum.Scanning })
I have tried changing the query parameters.
MariaDB - v10.8.4
query: SELECT `identification_process`.`uid` AS `identification_process_uid`, `identification_process`.`user_uid` AS `identification
_process_user_uid`, `identification_process`.`status` AS `identification_process_status`, `identification_process`.`attempts` AS `id
entification_process_attempts`, `identification_process`.`expire_at` AS `identification_process_expire_at`, `identification_process`
.`created_at` AS `identification_process_created_at`, `identification_process`.`updated_at` AS `identification_process_updated_at`,
`identification_process`.`procedure_uid` AS `identification_process_procedure_uid` FROM `identification_process` `identification_pro
cess` WHERE `identification_process`.`status` = ? ORDER BY `identification_process`.`updated_at` ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED
-- PARAMETERS: ["Scanning"]
? or its not being used in the queryexplain {query}