I opened a .nc raster file with terra::rast. It has 42 bands. The raster reads in upside down & needs to be flipped vertically. When I flip one band from the spatRast object, it flips properly. code below
s2file <- "S2A_MSI_2018_07_24_18_49_21_T10SFH_L2W.nc"
S2Rrs <- rast(s2file)
#class : SpatRaster
#dimensions : 5490, 5490, 41 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
#extent : 0.5, 5490.5, 0.5, 5490.5 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. :
#sources : S2A_MSI_2018_07_24_18_49_21_T10SFH_L2W.nc:spm_nechad
# S2A_MSI_2018_07_24_18_49_21_T10SFH_L2W.nc:spm_nechad2016
# S2A_MSI_2018_07_24_18_49_21_T10SFH_L2W.nc:t_nechad
# ... and 38 more source(s)
#varnames : spm_nechad (Suspended Particulate Matter)
# spm_nechad2016 (Suspended Particulate Matter)
# t_nechad (Water turbidity)
# ...
#names : spm_nechad, spm_n~d2016, t_nechad, t_nechad2016, t_dogliotti, chl_re_gons, ...
#unit : g m^-3, g m^-3, FNU, FNU, FNU, mg m^-3, ...
# [1] "spm_nechad" "spm_nechad2016" "t_nechad"
# [4] "t_nechad2016" "t_dogliotti" "chl_re_gons"
# [7] "chl_re_moses3b" "chl_re_moses3b740" "chl_re_gons740"
#[10] "chl_re_mishra" "slh" "a443_qaasw"
#[13] "a490_qaasw" "a560_qaasw" "a665_qaasw"
#[16] "bbp443_qaasw" "bbp490_qaasw" "bbp560_qaasw"
#[19] "bbp665_qaasw" "rhos_443" "rhos_492"
#[22] "rhos_560" "rhos_665" "rhos_704"
#[25] "rhos_740" "rhos_783" "rhos_833"
#[28] "rhos_865" "rhos_1614" "rhos_2202"
#[31] "Rrs_443" "Rrs_492" "Rrs_560"
#[34] "Rrs_665" "Rrs_704" "Rrs_740"
#[37] "Rrs_783" "Rrs_833" "Rrs_865"
#[40] "Rrs_1614" "Rrs_2202"
I then assign the CRS & extent
rastcrs <- "+proj=utm +zone=10 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
rextent <- c(600000, 709800, 4190220, 4300020)
When I try to flip the whole object, I get this error:
x <- flip(S2Rrs)
#Error: [flip] too few values for writing: 32863140 < 150360120
#In addition: There were 41 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
One layer plots like this:
The input file is 5G.
I haven't found any guidance for this online. I tried flipping one layer from the spatRast object. A single layer flips properly, and plots rightside up.