I would like to do password resets exclusively through firebase functions so I can impose stricter rules (as there is no way to change the rules through firebase auth API) and run other logic

I can update user passwords ok through functions, but clients can always call the firebase api to send a password reset email or update their password directly. Is there a way to disable these, like how you can disable client-side account creation & deletion?

2 Answers 2


There is currently no way in the Firebase Authentication of Cloud Identity APIs/console to disable client-side password reset, while leaving the other email/password functionality enabled. It's a reasonable feature request, so I'd recommend filing it with the support team or on firebase.uservoice.com.

For now, the only option to have email/password sign-in but not have client-side password reset functionality would be to implement your own provider.

            showPasswordVisibilityToggle: true,
            showAuthActionSwitch: false,
            actions: [ForgotPasswordAction((context, email) {})],
            providers: [EmailAuthProvider()]));
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