I have a news page in a Next.js site at the URL /news

On the page are some category buttons. Clicking these makes an API request and dynamically changes the posts listed on the page.

What I want is for the URL to reflect these filters, for example /news/category/entertainment and /news/category/technology

I see 2 options for this, and both have issues.

Option 1:

I use Next.js router, for example:

router.replace(updatedUrl, undefined, { shallow: true });

However, this causes the page to reload every time I change category, which must not happen.

Option 2:

I use the history API, for example:

window.history.replaceState(null, null, updatedUrl);

This works almost perfectly, but it breaks the browser back and forward buttons. They correctly take you away to other pages, but if the browser buttons navigate back to the /news page then Next.js just does nothing and stays on the previous page. Browser history API is obviously incompatible with Next.js router.


Is there a solution to append my categories to my /news URL without Next.js reloading the page, and ensuring the browser back and forwards buttons work? I do not want to use query parameters. I am concluding that it must be impossible, but hoping someone can help.

One of those annoying things that I would know exactly how to do with vanilla js, but I’m stuck fighting a framework that seemingly doesn’t want me to do this.


  • Wondering if I can use history API and add a history popstate listener, then force Next.js to load the pages that the browser buttons are ignoring. But it seems Next.js already uses this, and I cant see a way to detect whether or not Next.js will handle or ignore history events.
    – Alex
    Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 12:16
  • Maybe use router.push method. [link](nextjs.org/docs/pages/api-reference/functions/use-router )
    – BugHunter
    Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 12:37

1 Answer 1


Check out this solution.If you pass {} instead of window.history.state, moving forward/back will potentially be broken. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/18072

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