I have dates in ISO 8601 format in the database, %Y-%m-%d
. However, when the date is passed on to the template, it comes out as something like Oct. 16, 2011
Is there a way that I can manipulate the format to whatever I want?
Within your template, you can use Django's date
filter. E.g.:
<p>Birthday: {{ birthday|date:"M d, Y" }}</p>
Birthday: Jan 29, 1983
More formatting examples in the date filter docs.
and USE_L10N
To make changes for the entire site in Django 1.4.1 add:
to your settings.py
file and edit:
USE_L10N = False
since l10n overrides DATE_FORMAT
This is documented at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#date-format
Just use this:
This will show something like 2016-10-16. You can use the format as you want.
You need a date template filter.
<td>Joined {{user.date_created|date:"F Y" }}<td>
This returns Joined December 2018
If you need to show a short date and time (11/08/2018 03:23 a.m.), you can do it like this:
{{your_date_field|date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT"}} {{your_date_field|time:"h:i a"}}
Details for this tag is here and more about dates according to the given format is here.
<small class="text-muted">Last updated: {{your_date_field|date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT"}} {{your_date_field|time:"h:i a"}}</small>
In order to change the date format in the views.py file and then assign it to template:
# get the object details
home = Home.objects.get(home_id=homeid)
# get the start date
_startDate = home.home_startdate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
# assign it to template
return render_to_response('showme.html', {'home_startdate':_startDate}, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
{{yourDate|date:'*Prefered Format*'}}
{{yourDate|date:'F d, Y'}}
For the preferred format: Built-in template tags and filters, date
If you are getting an error in calling a Date value in a Django template, try this
{{ViewfieldValue.CreateModelValue|date:"M d, Y" }}
This will show something like 2022-12-02. You can use the format as you want.
{% load temp_tags %}
<div class="d-flex ">
<input type="text" class="form-control me-2 w-25 show_error" name="lender_dob_day" aria-describedby=""
{% if lender_dob %} value="{{ lender_dob|split:'-'|last }}" {% else %} value="" {% endif %} placeholder="DD">
<input type="text" class="form-control me-2 w-25 show_error" name="lender_dob_month" aria-describedby=""
{% if lender_dob %} value="{{ lender_dob|split:'-'|slice:'1:2'|first }}" {% else %} value="" {% endif %} placeholder="MM">
<input type="text" class="form-control flex-1 show_error" name="lender_dob_year" aria-describedby=""
{% if lender_dob %} value="{{ lender_dob|split:'-'|first }}" {% else %} value="" {% endif %} placeholder="YYYY">
def split(value, delimiter):
return value.split(delimiter)
Here is date format changing on django template:
<h5>Event date is: {{ event_date|date:"M d, Y" }}</h5>
The output will be like this: Aug 17, 2022