
Hey, I have a scenario in which I want to create an envelope based on a template, and I want to give our users the ability to change the name & email of the recipients specified in the template.

This is how my code currently looks like

            const compositeTemplate = docusign.CompositeTemplate.constructFromObject({
                serverTemplates: [
                    // @ts-expect-error exists
                        sequence: 1,
                inlineTemplates: [
                    // @ts-expect-error exists
                        sequence: 2,
                        recipients: this.serializeUpdateRecipients(signers),

            // @ts-expect-error exists
            const envelopeDefinition = docusign.EnvelopeDefinition.constructFromObject({
                status: "sent",
                compositeTemplates: [compositeTemplate],

            const envelopesApi = new docusign.EnvelopesApi(this.client);
            const envelope = await envelopesApi.createEnvelope(this.userInfo.accounts[0].accountId, {


Everything works fine except that the envelope is sent to both recipients, the original one and the edited one.

I made sure to only edit the recipient's (signer) email or name, and not the recipientId.

this is how looks like

    private serializeUpdateRecipients(signers: Signer[]) {
        // @ts-expect-error Docusign @types are not up to date
        const recipients = new docusign.Recipients();
        recipients.signers = signers.map(({ name, email, tabs, roleName, recipientId, routingOrder }) => (
            // @ts-expect-error Docusign @types are not up to date
            new docusign.Signer.constructFromObject({
        return recipients;

I copied the recipient info from what's returned in the template.

Previous attempts

Also, before trying the Composite Template approach, I was using the standard approach of sending an envelope based on a template, but adding editing the recipients inline in the envelope still caused the duplication issue, which is why I tried the alternative Composite template approach.


snippet in docs titled: Merging duplicate recipients


Here's a snippet in the DocuSign docs regarding merging duplicate recipients.

It says:

You can automatically merge these duplicate recipients by making sure that each of these duplicate recipients has the same email, user name, and routing order

Does that mean that I cannot edit the base template's recipient's email at all? Maybe there's another approach outside of composite templating?

Thanks for reading.

1 Answer 1


You're specifying the server template twice.

Here's a live example you can try.

Try this envelope request:

            status: "sent",
            compositeTemplates: [
                    compositeTemplateId: "1",
                    serverTemplates: [
                            sequence: "1",
                            templateId: templateId
                    inlineTemplates: [
                            sequence: "1",
                            recipients: {
                                signers: [
                                        email: email,
                                        name: name,
                                        roleName: "Signer1",
                                        recipientId: "1",
  • Thanks, but that didn't work. The only thing that worked so far is to remove the email and name on DocuSign's side. But we want to support a default name/email that are changeable Commented Nov 3, 2023 at 15:47
  • Changeable how? Via your code (your app)? Via the DocuSign web app?
    – Larry K
    Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 19:43
  • Via my app. We offer a 3rd party integration with DocuSign. Commented Nov 14, 2023 at 13:36

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