Is there a way to display a message box from a batch file (similar to how xmessage
can be used from bash-scripts in Linux)?
CMD.EXE, it's a 32-bit command processor that supports DOS commands.– Alan BCommented Nov 15, 2010 at 14:52
7It's called Windows Command Prompt.– Ricardo Polo JaramilloCommented Oct 10, 2011 at 20:36
22 Answers
First of all, DOS has nothing to do with it, you probably want a Windows command line solution (again: no DOS, pure Windows, just not a Window, but a Console).
You can either use the VBScript method provided by boflynn or you can mis-use net send
or msg
. net send
works only on older versions of windows:
net send localhost Some message to display
This also depends on the Messenger service to run, though.
For newer versions (XP and onward, apparently):
msg "%username%" Some message to display
It should be noted that a message box sent using msg.exe
will only last for 60 seconds. This can however be overridden with the /time:xx
2You can use env variables to get the local user - %USERNAME%. msg.exe is on my XP Home machine, but I've heard anecdotal accounts that it isn't on every version of Vista. I believe the service behind NET SEND is disabled these days.– McDowellCommented Apr 21, 2009 at 19:39
Right, thanks, forgot the envvar (seldom use anything beyond %UserProfile% and my own defined ones in batches :)). Funny, though, you're right about the Messenger service. It doesn't even exist on my XP VM, but net send still exists. msg.exe works there, though.– JoeyCommented Apr 21, 2009 at 19:50
20I thought a viable option was missing from the answers and provided it. Nothing wrong here. Neither do you need to feel forced to do something nor am I somehow saying that boflynn's wrong. I was just adding another option which should be perfectly fine for questions that do not have a single definitive answer. Furthermore, you're probably not the only one with this question and others may not want to use VBScript for whichever reasons. This is a community site, not solely yours :-)– JoeyCommented Apr 21, 2009 at 20:25
9I for myself just used this to spawn an "I love you" message on my girlfriend's PC from a remote shell. Commented Apr 22, 2010 at 2:34
1On Windows 8 and 10 I've found the version of Windows matters. For me it works on pro but not home. Others have reported it works on Home Premium and Enterprise, Ultimate etc.. seems plain old home doesn't get it (it doesn't exist in System32, but can be added).– shoxCommented May 1, 2018 at 21:33
I would make a very simple VBScript file and call it using CScript to parse the command line parameters.
Something like the following saved in MessageBox.vbs
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
messageText = objArgs(0)
MsgBox messageText
Which you would call like:
cscript MessageBox.vbs "This will be shown in a popup."
reference if you are interested in going this route.
thanks that would do it, ill create a file write this data to it, and than use it, than delete it. should work fine :)– billyyCommented Apr 21, 2009 at 19:29
1Great answer. This way you can have total control over icons, buttons, and box title. Also when you save your file somewhere along PATH you call it from any location. I created few files for alerts with different icons.– Deus777Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 7:16
Nice. BTW, you don't need to use CScript, at least in Win10. With CScript, I get some additional text in the Command Prompt. Without CScript, there is only the alert, which is great Commented Sep 30, 2017 at 14:00
Any way to do this filelessly? i.e., can you pass raw VBScript directly to cscript? Commented Nov 17, 2021 at 16:19
This will pop-up another Command Prompt window:
START CMD /C "ECHO My Popup Message && PAUSE"
4A better option would be:
start cmd /c "@echo off & mode con cols=18 lines=2 & echo My Popup Message & pause>nul"
, change thecols=18
to the amount of characters in the message+2. And thelines=2
to whatever the amount of lines is+1. Commented Aug 16, 2016 at 21:34 -
Might display a little flash, but no temp files required. Should work all the way back to somewhere in the (IIRC) IE5 era.
mshta javascript:alert("Message\n\nMultiple\nLines\ntoo!");close();
Don't forget to escape your parentheses if you're using if
if 1 == 1 (
mshta javascript:alert^("1 is equal to 1, amazing."^);close^(^);
This works perfectly from the command prompt, but when I stick it in a batch file, I get this error:
close() was unexpected at this time
.– eye_mewCommented Apr 23, 2014 at 22:50 -
@eye_mew maybe you need to remove those
escape characters in a bat file– phuclvCommented Jun 29, 2015 at 6:10 -
2It worked perfectly for me from a batch file (I'm on Windows 7) Can we run any Javascript this way? How would we return values to the batch file? Commented May 26, 2016 at 4:56
1Here are some amazing examples of things you can do: The LocalDateTime example returns a value. Thanks for the idea! Commented May 26, 2016 at 5:06
Cool node.js by Microsoft before server side JavaScript was cool - a missed opportunity for them. Commented Nov 30, 2017 at 13:56
Try :
Msg * "insert your message here"
If you are using Windows XP's, this will open a message box.
Opening a new cmd window isn't quite what you were asking for, I gather. You could also use VBScript, and use this with your .bat file. You would open it from the bat file with this command:
cd C:\"location of vbscript"
What this does is change the directory will search for files from, then on the next line:
"insert name of your vbscript here".vbs
Then you create a new Notepad document, type in
<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox "your text here"
You would then save this as a .vbs file (by putting ".vbs" at the end of the filename), save as "All Files" in the drop down box below the file name (so it doesn't save as .txt), then click Save!
?how to insert new-line (blank lines) in the text when using -> MSG * <text>– ZEECommented Oct 29, 2016 at 16:32
@ZEE If you use just
msg *
you will be prompted to enter a message followed by ctrl-Z. You can enter line breaks here that will appear in your message.– User5910Commented Apr 21, 2017 at 16:09
Few more ways.
1) The geekiest and hackiest - it uses the IEXPRESS to create small exe that will create a pop-up with a single button (it can create two more types of pop-up messages). Works on EVERY windows from XP and above:
;@echo off
;set ppopup_executable=popupe.exe
;set "message2=click OK to continue"
;del /q /f %tmp%\yes >nul 2>&1
;copy /y "%~f0" "%temp%\popup.sed" >nul 2>&1
;iexpress /n /q /m %temp%\popup.sed
;rem del /q /f %ppopup_executable% >nul 2>&1
;exit /b 0
2) Using MSHTA
. Also works on every windows machine from XP and above (despite the OP do not want "external" languages the JavaScript here is minimized). Should be saved as .bat
@if (true == false) @end /*!
@echo off
mshta "about:<script src='file://%~f0'></script><script>close()</script>" %*
goto :EOF */
alert("Hello, world!");
or in one line:
mshta "about:<script>alert('Hello, world!');close()</script>"
mshta "javascript:alert('message');close()"
mshta.exe vbscript:Execute("msgbox ""message"",0,""title"":close")
3) Here's parameterized .bat/jscript
hybrid (should be saved as bat
). It again uses JavaScript despite the OP request but as it is a bat it can be called as a bat file without worries. It uses POPUP which allows a little bit more control than the more popular MSGBOX. It uses WSH, but not MSHTA like in the example above.
@if (@x)==(@y) @end /***** jscript comment ******
@echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" "%~nx0" %*
exit /b 0
@if (@x)==(@y) @end ****** end comment *********/
var wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var args=WScript.Arguments;
var title=args.Item(0);
var timeout=-1;
var pressed_message="button pressed";
var timeout_message="timed out";
var message="";
function printHelp() {
WScript.Echo(title + "[-title Title] [-timeout m] [-tom \"Time-out message\"] [-pbm \"Pressed button message\"] [-message \"pop-up message\"]");
if (WScript.Arguments.Length==1){
if (args.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-help" || args.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-h" ) {
if (WScript.Arguments.Length % 2 == 0 ) {
WScript.Echo("Illegal arguments ");
for (var arg = 1 ; arg<args.Length;arg=arg+2) {
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-title") {
title = args.Item(arg+1);
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-timeout") {
timeout = parseInt(args.Item(arg+1));
if (isNaN(timeout)) {
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-tom") {
timeout_message = args.Item(arg+1);
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-pbm") {
pressed_message = args.Item(arg+1);
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-message") {
message = args.Item(arg+1);
function runPopup(){
var btn = wshShell.Popup(message, timeout, title, 0x0 + 0x10);
switch(btn) {
// button pressed.
case 1:
// Timed out.
case -1:
4) and one
hybrid (should be saved as .bat
) .This time it uses .NET
and compiles a small .exe
file that could be deleted:
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /****** silent jscript comment ******
@echo off
::: compile the script ::::
::if exist "%~n0.exe" goto :skip_compilation
:: searching the latest installed .net framework
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:d /o:-n "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v*"') do (
if exist "%%v\jsc.exe" (
rem :: the compiler
set "jsc=%%~dpsnfxv\jsc.exe"
goto :break_loop
echo jsc.exe not found && exit /b 0
call %jsc% /nologo /out:"%~n0.exe" "%~f0"
::: end of compilation ::::
"%~n0.exe" %*
exit /b 0
****** end of jscript comment ******/
import System;
import System.Windows;
import System.Windows.Forms
var arguments:String[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
5) and at the end one single call to powershell that creates a pop-up (can be called from command line or from batch if powershell is installed):
powershell [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("""System.Windows.Forms""");[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::show("""Hello World""", """My PopUp Message Box""")
6) And the dbenham's approach seen here
start "" cmd /c "echo(&echo(&echo Hello world! &echo(&pause>nul"
7) For a system tray notifications you can try this:
call SystemTrayNotification.bat -tooltip warning -time 3000 -title "Woow" -text "Boom" -icon question
What's the purpose of
@if (true == false) @end
in your first example under #2? Commented Nov 17, 2021 at 16:36 -
1@DanHenderson in batch it will be silent if condition because of the
. For jscript it will @if directive - It is used to silently to enable the jscript comments .– npocmakaCommented Nov 18, 2021 at 10:12
This way your batch file will create a VBS script and show a popup. After it runs, the batch file will delete that intermediate file.
The advantage of using MSGBOX is that it is really customaziable (change the title, the icon etc) while MSG.exe isn't as much.
echo MSGBOX "YOUR MESSAGE" > %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs
call %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs
del %temp%\TEMPmessage.vbs /f /q
Here's a PowerShell variant that doesn't require loading assemblies prior to creating the window, however it runs noticeably slower (~+50%) than the PowerShell MessageBox command posted here by @npocmaka:
powershell (New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).Popup("""Operation Completed""",0,"""Done""",0x0)
You can change the last parameter from "0x0" to a value below to display icons in the dialog (see Popup Method for further reference):
0x10 Stop
0x20 Question Mark
0x30 Exclamation Mark
0x40 Information Mark
Adapted from the Microsoft TechNet article PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Display Pop-Up Window.
1The second parameter is nSecondsToWait Optional. Numeric value indicating the maximum number of seconds you want the pop-up message box displayed. If nSecondsToWait is zero (the default), the pop-up message box remains visible until closed by the user.… Commented Aug 14, 2022 at 9:54
echo X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") >msg.vbs
–you can write any numbers from 0,1,2,3,4 instead of 0 (before the ‘+’ symbol) & here is the meaning of each number:
0 = Ok Button
1 = Ok/Cancel Button
2 = Abort/Retry/Ignore button
3 = Yes/No/Cancel
4 = Yes/No
–you can write any numbers from 16,32,48,64 instead of 16 (after the ‘+’ symbol) & here is the meaning of each number:
16 – Critical Icon
32 – Warning Icon
48 – Warning Message Icon
64 – Information Icon
Msg * "insert your message here"
works fine, just save as a .bat file in notepad or make sure the format is set to "all files"
1The docs say that "*" will "Send message to all sessions on specified server", ie. will break on terminal services or fast user switching– FowlCommented Jun 20, 2012 at 23:25
msg * /time:0 /w Hello everybody!
This message waits forever until OK is clicked (it lasts only one minute by default) and works fine in Windows 8.1
msg * /time:0 /w <C:\Somewhere\Message.txt
where in the file is normal text (containing CrLf's).– MoE bisCommented Dec 4, 2016 at 14:10
In order to do this, you need to have a small program that displays a messagebox and run that from your batch file.
You could open a console window that displays a prompt though, but getting a GUI message box using cmd.exe and friends only is not possible, AFAIK.
Following on @Fowl's answer, you can improve it with a timeout to only appear for 10 seconds using the following:
mshta "javascript:var sh=new ActiveXObject( 'WScript.Shell' ); sh.Popup( 'Message!', 10, 'Title!', 64 );close()"
See here for more details.
You can invoke dll function from user32.dll i think Something like
Rundll32.exe user32.dll, MessageBox (0, "text", "titleText", {extra flags for like topmost messagebox e.t.c})
Typing it from my Phone, don't judge me... otherwise i would link the extra flags.
I can get
rundll32.exe user32.dll,MessageBoxA X
to display a messagebox with X as the title when I do it in the Run box. No matter what I make X be I cannot get it to be interpreted as multiple parameters - everything goes into the title. Sorundll32.exe user32.dll,MessageBoxA (0, "MyTitle", "MyText", 0)
displays a messagebox with a title of(0, "MyTitle", "MyText", 0)
But I cannot get it to work AT ALL from the command line - only from the Run box. On the command line it does nothing at all. Does it work for sure from a command line or from a batch file or only from the Run box? Commented May 26, 2016 at 6:04 -
rundll32.exe as per doc can run only those procedures that were specifically designed for this purpose, because they must parse the "optional arguments" part. MessageBox-ish functions were not designed this way. Why it works via Win+R (Run box), it's still a big question!– yozniakCommented Oct 31, 2018 at 17:46
You can use Zenity, which posts regular releases on Zenity allows for the execution of dialog boxes in command-line and shell scripts. More info can also be found on Wikipedia.
It is cross-platform, but I couldn't find a recent win32 build. Unfortunately went offline. A Windows installer of v3.20 (from March 2016) can be found here.
This application can do that, if you convert (wrap) your batch files into executable files.
Simple Messagebox
%extd% /messagebox Title Text
Error Messagebox
%extd% /messagebox Error "Error message" 16
Cancel Try Again Messagebox
%extd% /messagebox Title "Try again or Cancel" 5
4) "Never ask me again" Messagebox
%extd% /messageboxcheck Title Message 0 {73E8105A-7AD2-4335-B694-94F837A38E79}
Here is my batch script that I put together based on the good answers here & in other posts
You can set title timeout & even sleep to schedule it for latter & \n for new line
Name it popup.bat & put it in your windows path folder to work globally on your pc
For example popup Line 1\nLine 2
will produce a 2 line popup box
(type popup /?
for usage)
Here is the code
<!-- : Begin CMD
@echo off
cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" %*
set pop.key=[%errorlevel%]
if %pop.key% == [-1] set pop.key=TimedOut
if %pop.key% == [1] set pop.key=Ok
if %pop.key% == [2] set pop.key=Cancel
if %pop.key% == [3] set pop.key=Abort
if %pop.key% == [4] set pop.key=Retry
if %pop.key% == [5] set pop.key=Ignore
if %pop.key% == [6] set pop.key=Yes
if %pop.key% == [7] set pop.key=No
if %pop.key% == [10] set pop.key=TryAgain
if %pop.key% == [11] set pop.key=Continue
if %pop.key% == [99] set pop.key=NoWait
exit /b
-- End CMD -->
<job><script language="VBScript">
'on error resume next
q =""""
qsq =""" """
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set objShell= WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Popup = 0
Title = "Popup"
Timeout = 0
Mode = 0
Message = ""
Sleep = 0
button = 0
If objArgs.Count = 0 Then
ElseIf objArgs(0) = "/?" or Lcase(objArgs(0)) = "-h" or Lcase(objArgs(0)) = "--help" Then
End If
noWait = Not wait()
For Each arg in objArgs
If (Mid(arg,1,1) = "/") and (InStr(arg,":") <> 0) Then haveSwitch = True
If not haveSwitch Then
For i = 0 To objArgs.Count-1
If IsSwitch(objArgs(i)) Then
S=split(objArgs(i) , ":" , 2)
select case Lcase(S(0))
case "/m","/message"
case "/tt","/title"
case "/s","/sleep"
If IsNumeric(S(1)) Then Sleep=S(1)*1000
case "/t","/time"
If IsNumeric(S(1)) Then Timeout=S(1)
case "/b","/button"
select case S(1)
case "oc", "1"
case "ari","2"
case "ync","3"
case "yn", "4"
case "rc", "5"
case "ctc","6"
case Else
end select
case "/i","/icon"
select case S(1)
case "s","x","stop","16"
case "?","q","question","32"
case "!","w","warning","exclamation","48"
case "i","information","info","64"
case Else
end select
end select
End If
End If
Message = Replace(Message,"/\n", "°" )
Message = Replace(Message,"\n",vbCrLf)
Message = Replace(Message, "°" , "\n")
If noWait Then button=0
Popup = objShell.Popup(Message, Timeout, Title, button + Mode + vbSystemModal)
Wscript.Quit Popup
Function IsSwitch(Val)
IsSwitch = False
If Mid(Val,1,1) = "/" Then
For ii = 3 To 9
If Mid(Val,ii,1) = ":" Then IsSwitch = True
End If
End Function
Function joinParam(quotes)
ReDim ArgArr(objArgs.Count-1)
For i = 0 To objArgs.Count-1
If quotes = "wq" Then
ArgArr(i) = q & objArgs(i) & q
ArgArr(i) = objArgs(i)
End If
joinParam = Join(ArgArr)
End Function
Function wait()
If objArgs.Named.Exists("NewProcess") Then
Exit Function
ElseIf objArgs.Named.Exists("NW") or objArgs.Named.Exists("NoWait") Then
objShell.Exec q & WScript.FullName & qsq & WScript.ScriptFullName & q & " /NewProcess: " & joinParam("wq")
WScript.Quit 99
End If
End Function
Function Usage()
Wscript.Echo _
vbCrLf&"Usage:" _
&vbCrLf&" popup followed by your message. Example: ""popup First line\nescaped /\n\nSecond line"" " _
&vbCrLf&" To triger a new line use ""\n"" within the msg string [to escape enter ""/"" before ""\n""]" _
&vbCrLf&"" _
&vbCrLf&"Advanced user" _
&vbCrLf&" If any Switch is used then you must use the /m: switch for the message " _
&vbCrLf&" No space allowed between the switch & the value " _
&vbCrLf&" The switches are NOT case sensitive " _
&vbCrLf&"" _
&vbCrLf&" popup [/m:""*""] [/t:*] [/tt:*] [/s:*] [/nw] [/i:*]" _
&vbCrLf&"" _
&vbCrLf&" Switch | value |Description" _
&vbCrLf&" -----------------------------------------------------------------------" _
&vbCrLf&" /m: /message:| ""1 2"" |if the message have spaces you need to quote it " _
&vbCrLf&" | |" _
&vbCrLf&" /t: /time: | nn |Duration of the popup for n seconds " _
&vbCrLf&" | |<Default> untill key pressed" _
&vbCrLf&" | |" _
&vbCrLf&" /tt: /title: | ""A B"" |if the title have spaces you need to quote it " _
&vbCrLf&" | | <Default> Popup" _
&vbCrLf&" | |" _
&vbCrLf&" /s: /sleep: | nn |schedule the popup after n seconds " _
&vbCrLf&" | |" _
&vbCrLf&" /nw /NoWait | |Continue script without the user pressing ok - " _
&vbCrLf&" | | botton option will be defaulted to OK button " _
&vbCrLf&" | |" _
&vbCrLf&" /i: /icon: | ?/q |[question mark]" _
&vbCrLf&" | !/w |[exclamation (warning) mark]" _
&vbCrLf&" | i/info|[information mark]" _
&vbCrLf&" | x/stop|[stop\error mark]" _
&vbCrLf&" | n/none|<Default>" _
&vbCrLf&" | |" _
&vbCrLf&" /b: /button: | o |[OK button] <Default>" _
&vbCrLf&" | oc |[OK and Cancel buttons]" _
&vbCrLf&" | ari |[Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons]" _
&vbCrLf&" | ync |[Yes, No, and Cancel buttons]" _
&vbCrLf&" | yn |[Yes and No buttons]" _
&vbCrLf&" | rc |[Retry and Cancel buttons]" _
&vbCrLf&" | ctc |[Cancel and Try Again and Continue buttons]" _
&vbCrLf&" ---> | ---> |The output will be saved in variable ""pop.key""" _
&vbCrLf&"" _
&vbCrLf&"Example:" _
&vbCrLf&" popup /tt:""My MessageBox"" /t:5 /m:""Line 1\nLine 2\n/\n\nLine 4""" _
&vbCrLf&"" _
&vbCrLf&" v1.9 By RDR @ 2020"
End Function
Bat file:
@echo off
echo wscript.Quit((msgbox("question?",4+32+256, "title")-6) Mod 255) > %temp%\msgbox.vbs
start /wait %temp%\msgbox.vbs
rem echo wscript returned %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 1 goto error
echo We have Yes
goto end
echo We have No
del %temp%\msgbox.vbs /f /q
I would create a batch subroutine MSGBOX
like shown below which you can call then via
call :MSGBOX "Test-Message 1" "Test-Title 1"
as often you want.
For example:
:: call message box sub-routine
call :MSGBOX "Test-Message 1" "Test-Title 1"
call :MSGBOX "Test-Message 2" "Test-Title 2"
:: sub-routines
:: 1. parameter: message
:: 2. parameter: title
:: find temporary name for VBS file
set "uniqueFileName=%tmp%\msgbox~%RANDOM%.vbs"
if exist "%uniqueFileName%" goto :uniqueLoop
:: write to temporary VBS file, execute, delete file
echo msgbox"%~1",vbInformation , "%~2"> %uniqueFileName%
erase %uniqueFileName%
msg * /server: Type your message here
Windows cmd.exe says: 'msg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 15:32
@AnthonyHatzopoulos that is because it is only supported in XP– pattydCommented Jul 31, 2013 at 0:06
@JesanFafon no, it was discontinued after XP... I think you mean XP and earlier– pattydCommented Sep 15, 2014 at 1:38
@pattyd On Windows 8.1,
where msg
. I think you are thinking ofnet send
Commented Sep 15, 2014 at 15:55
A better option
set my_message=Hello world
&& start cmd /c "@echo off & mode con cols=15 lines=2 & echo %my_message% & pause>nul"
amount of lines,plus 1
amount of characters in the message, plus 3 (However, minimum must be 15
Auto-calculated cols
set my_message=Hello world
&& (echo %my_message%>EMPTY_FILE123 && FOR %? IN (EMPTY_FILE123 ) DO SET strlength=%~z? && del EMPTY_FILE123 ) && start cmd /c "@echo off && mode con lines=2 cols=%strlength% && echo %my_message% && pause>nul"
@ender_scythe comment works (
start cmd /c "@echo off & mode con cols=18 lines=2 & echo My Popup Message & pause>nul"
). Yours doesn't. It echos the message but fails to set the window size returningThe screen cannot be set to the number of lines and columns specified.
at least in my Windows 7.– cdlvcdlvCommented Jun 19, 2018 at 10:14 -
@cdlvcdlv I have updated the answer. it should work now for everyone, revise it.– T.ToduaCommented Jun 20, 2018 at 7:03
It works indeed... provided that there is not a file named
in the current directory or you don't mind losing it.– cdlvcdlvCommented Jun 20, 2018 at 8:02 -
You took a perfectly working comment and broke it. Then you tried to add some value (I'll grant you that) but then at the price of losing any file with a not-so-unlikely name. If someone, (out of curiosity) gives your code a try with such a bad luck it will lose the file for good. Additionally, if there exists a folder named
, your command just fails. Don't thank me and please just fix your code. You don't even need to use a one-liner. And if you think your code is so good, please post it in Code Review.– cdlvcdlvCommented Jun 22, 2018 at 8:30 -
what an ingratitude.... I havent broke, but updated, explained and even gave automatic solution... (but there are people like you, who i can't satisfy). good luck– T.ToduaCommented Jun 23, 2018 at 7:48
it needs ONLY to popup when inside a vm, so technically, there should be some code like:
if %machine_type% == virtual_machine then
echo message box code
continue normal installation code
downvote because the the installation won't be continued if (%machine_type% == virtual_machine)==true– anionCommented Mar 26, 2019 at 9:16