I am trying to upload a file to a specific site's file directory in my org's SharePoint. I created an app on https://OrgTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/MySite/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx
. Then, I gave it FullControl permissions to the site on https://OrgTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/MySite/_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx
with the XML permissions as
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="https://OrgTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/MySite" Right="FullControl" />
I took the client ID and Secret from the app creation and used them in the my C# app's code (see below). I am able to connect to the site and pull information from the site, such as lists, and can see the the directory I am trying to load the file to in the List of lists, but get an Access Denied error when trying to upload the file. I can't seem to find any documentation online about why this may be and it has me thoroughly stumped. Let me know if I am missing something or if there are better alternatives to what I am trying to do as I am open to suggestions!
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace ProjectName
class SharepointHelper
public static void LoadFilesToSharepoint()
string siteUrl = "https://OrgTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/MySite";
using (var cc = new PnP.Framework.AuthenticationManager().GetACSAppOnlyContext(siteUrl, [My Client ID], [My Client Secret]))
cc.Load(cc.Web, p => p.Title, p => p.Lists);
Web web = cc.Web;
string libraryName = "FileLocation";
string filePath = "C:\\Folder\\testFileforSP.txt";
List<Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List> doclist = cc.Web.Lists.ToList();
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
FileCreationInformation flciNewFile = new FileCreationInformation();
flciNewFile.ContentStream = fs;
flciNewFile.Url = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath);
flciNewFile.Overwrite = true;
List docs = web.Lists.GetByTitle(libraryName);
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File uploadFile = docs.RootFolder.Files.Add(flciNewFile);
I get the Access Denied error up on the cc.ExecuteQuery() at the bottom.
I tried giving the app other permissions. I initially gave it Write permissions, then Manage, then Full Control as most examples I saw just gave the app full control so I thought this would help, but it did not. No matter what I did I got Access Denied or Unauthorized access (with lesser permissions).