When generating a ceate statement using a JDBC Stage on a ProstgreSQL database, instead of the expected data types varchar(n) or text, the datatype name(n) is used, so the generated ddl will not function.

The datatype name (without (n)) is actually an "internal type for object names but not intended for general-purpose use, only for use in the internal system catalogs", as documented here.

When running the datasatge job, the Connector finds following driver information: The driver name and version are: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.6.0, The data source name and version are: PostgreSQL 15.3 (15.3).

The Job aborts with the message '[SQLSTATE 42601] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: type modifier is not allowed for type "name"', which

I made test job which should create a table and write to it. It generates a ddl for the corresponding DataStage data types, but the it is wrong:

        this_is_int int4 NOT NULL,
        this_is_char CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        this_is_varchar name(10) NOT NULL, -- should be varchar(10)
        this_is_nchar CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        this_is_nvarchar name(10) NOT NULL, -- should be varchar(10) 
        this_is_LongVarChar name NOT NULL, -- should be text
        this_is_LongNVarCHar name NOT NULL -- should be text

Is there any JavaVM Parameter (or anything else, a workaround,...) which I can set for the PostgreSQL driver to correct this behaviour?


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