I want to work with my Oracle Database, run queries, create tables, run sql scripts, etc, but from VS Code.

How do I do that, without creating an Oracle account, or installing anything like an Oracle Client, .NET, or Java?

Disclaimer: I work for Oracle.

  • 2
    You should add a disclaimer to your question that you are an Oracle employee. Apart from that, you appear to be trying to seed StackOverflow with an (off-topic) question to promote your product.
    – MT0
    Commented Jan 17 at 17:22
  • Done, also the topic if sql developer, i get asked ALL the time how to get started from people that run into java, .net, oracle client conflicts. You'e seen those questions here. Commented Jan 17 at 18:13

1 Answer 1


Simply search for 'sql-developer' in the Marketplace, and hit 'Install'

enter image description here

There's no requirement for .NET, Java, or Oracle Homes/Clients/Drivers.

You'll get both a GUI for working with your Oracle Databases as well as an integrated CLI via Oracle SQLcl.

  • SQL Developer supports connecting to PostgreSQL databases as well. Does the VS Code version also support this? Commented Sep 11 at 9:39
  • 1
    No, you would use a postgres extension to work with postgres Commented Sep 12 at 15:14

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