I setup a IIS application from within an existing application.

Will the parents web.config be inherited or is that something I have to set explicitly?

4 Answers 4


Yes it will without setting anything explicitly, and I don't know any way to prevent it.

However many configuration sections will allow you to clear data inherited from parent files.


   <add key=...>

   <add ... />
  • You can only do it by creating the application in another directory, or change the settings back. Apr 22, 2009 at 18:58

You can also use the remove tag to get rid of things you don't want or put everything in a location and tell it not to inherit:

<remove name="FooBar" />

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
  • 2
    but what about the sections outside of system.web? like <system.webServer>
    – Blankman
    Apr 23, 2009 at 13:52
  • not 100% sure, but I believe you can wrap anything in a "location". I haven't tried, would definitely need to test it.
    – user1921
    Apr 24, 2009 at 0:39
  • Elements that are only allowed in "root" web.configs can't be wrapped in a "location". Apr 24, 2009 at 9:32

The child inherits the parent's web.config file.

Also, when a new web.config file is created in the child, the child's web.config file settings override the same settings in the parent's web.config file.


What you do is change the parent .NET 4 app's web.config to indicate its settings shouldn't flow down to the children

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
    ...your system.web stuff goes here

For more details refer here http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ChangingASPNETWebconfigInheritanceWhenMixingVersionsOfChildApplications.aspx

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