I want to use the SimpleCursorAdapter to fill in my ListActivity, but I'm getting the classic exception because there is no '_id' field in my Cursor. Unfortunately, this type of query does not provide me with a field that I can use as my _id field being of the form:

SELECT DISTINCT room from tblRates WHERE resid='ABC' AND date='2011-10-17'

Because of the DISTINCT I can't just add in the _id. So what do I do short of setting up a custom Adapter?

Btw, I have seen this post already so I do understand why I'm getting the error. Just wondering how to get an _id in there with the type of query I'm doing:

Android column '_id' does not exist?

3 Answers 3


You could do something like this...

SELECT DISTINCT room, 1 _id from tblRates WHERE resid='ABC' AND date='2011-10-17'

This will add an _id column with a value of 1 for each row. Also I think sqlite has something like a hidden "rowid" column for each table if you want distinct values for the column instead of a 1.

  • That did fix the issue with SimpleCursorAdapter. I guess I can use the position in onListItemClick rather than the id, so that should work! Thanks for the easy answer.
    – Alan Moore
    Oct 17, 2011 at 16:15
  • 1
    The one danger with this solution is that you don't know if CursorAdapter or SimpleCursorAdapter is relying upon distinct values. If it is, setting them all to 1 may cause problems, if not today, then perhaps in some future update to the OS. That being said, it's certainly easier than my solution. Oct 17, 2011 at 16:19

So what do I do short of setting up a custom Adapter?

Besides the custom Adapter approach, you could use CursorWrapper to add your own _id values. Just sequentially number them starting from 1 or something, and don't attempt to use them as actual keys in your database. :-)


Off the cuff...

Step #1: Create a subclass of CursorWrapper.

Step #2: Hang onto the getColumnCount() value of the wrapped Cursor, here referred to as N.

Step #3: Override getColumnCount() to return N+1.

Step #3: Override getColumnIndex() to return N as the _id column index.

Step #4: Override all other methods that take int columnIndex as a parameter. If the index is not N, delegate the work to the wrapped Cursor; otherwise, implement it yourself (or throw a RuntimeException if it is impossible or inconvenient and you don't need it). For getInt() and getLong() implementations (not sure which CursorAdapter uses), return some likely unique value (e.g., just use your position via getPosition()).

Step #5: Create an instance of your subclass, wrapping your Cursor with the DISTINCT clause, and hand that to the CursorAdapter.

  • Interesting, can you give me an example of how that would be done (or a link to an example)?
    – Alan Moore
    Oct 17, 2011 at 16:04
  • @Alan Moore: Hope you'll settle for the implementation notes I added to the answer. Oct 17, 2011 at 16:18
  • Thanks for the notes, I will check into this. I'm giving you an upvote. Not sure if this is easier than a custom Adapter, but its always nice to know what options are available.
    – Alan Moore
    Oct 17, 2011 at 16:22

Using method "query" in SQLiteDatabase may help.

For example,

SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor c = db.query(
             new String[] { "_id", "room" }, 
             "resid=? AND date=?", 
             new String[] { "ABC", "2010-10-17" }, 
SimpleCursorAdapter a = new SimpleCursorAdapter(
                           new String[] { "room" }, 
                           new int[] { android.R.id.text1 }, 
  • the OP wants Distinct occurrences of room Jan 21, 2013 at 22:35

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