I'm having trouble producing a legend for my ggplot2 figure of categorical point data with a bar indicating the mean overlaid on top.
plot <- ggplot(df, aes(tree, o18))
plot + geom_point() +
geom_crossbar(data=df2,aes(x=tree,ymin=o18, ymax=o18,y=o18,group=tree), width = 0.5)
where df is in the format:
tree | o18 |
A | 15 |
A | 22 |
B | 20 |
B | 19.5 |
C | 15 |
D | 30 |
and df2 contains the means for each tree category:
tree | o18 |
A | 19 |
B | 19.75 |
C | 15 |
D | 30 |
(data simplified)
I would like to add a legend to the figure indicating that the points are the o18 values and the lines are the means for each category. However, I can't figure out how to do this. Is there any way to add such a legend in ggplot?