I'm trying to get 2 MCUs to communicate using one-way SPI, i.e. Master sends to Slave. The master code appears to block after writing to the output buffer at the point where I am testing for the BF flag set.
I'm using 2 PIC16F1503 MCU's one configured as master, the o upther as slave. The circuit is shown in the following image.Circuit diagram
Apart from the MSSP module specifics, both processors are configured identically
- internal oscillator 16MHz
- all pins set to digital
- RC2 is output, drives a red LED
The SPI configuration for the Master is
clrf INTCON ; Disable all interrupts
banksel TRISC
; set alternative SDO pin
banksel APFCON
bsf APFCON, APFCON_SDOSEL_POSN ; SDO function is on RA4
; complete the rest of SPI setup but don't enable just yet
banksel SSP1STAT
movlw 01000000B
;0------- SMP input data sampled at end of data o/p time
;-1------ CKE xmit occurs on transition from active to idle clock
;--xxxxxx I2C only
movwf SSP1STAT
; set SDO function to alternative RA4 pin
banksel APFCON
bsf APFCON, APFCON_SDOSEL_POSN ; SDO function is on RA4
; set the SPI mode and clock speed
movlw 00110010B
;0------- WCOL write collision bit - no collision
;-0------ SSPOV receive overflow indicator bit - no OF
;--1----- SPEN enable synchronous serial port
;---1---- CKP clock polarity, idle state for clock is high
;----0010 SPI Master mode, Fosc/64
movwf SSP1CON1
; set SS high
banksel LATC
call stabilisationWait
The SPI configuration for the Slave is
clrf INTCON ; Disable all interrupts
banksel TRISC
; set alternative SDO pin, even though we won't be sending any data
banksel APFCON
bsf APFCON, APFCON_SDOSEL_POSN ; SDO function is on RA4
; complete the rest of SPI setup but don't enable just yet
banksel SSP1STAT
movlw 01000000B
;0------- SMP input data sampled at end of data o/p time
;-1------ CKE xmit occurs on transition from active to idle clock
;--xxxxxx I2C only
movwf SSP1STAT
; set SDO function to alternative RA4 pin
banksel APFCON
bsf APFCON, APFCON_SDOSEL_POSN ; SDO function is on RA4
movlw 00110001B
;0------- WCOL write collision bit - no collision
;-0------ SSPOV receive overflow indicator bit - no OF
;--0----- SPEN disable synchronous serial port
;---1---- CKP clock polarity, idle state for clock is high
;----0100 SPI Slave mode, SS enabled
movwf SSP1CON1
; now wait for the SS line to go high, meaning SPI master is ready
banksel PORTC
goto $-1
; now enable SPI
banksel SSP1CON1
call stabilisationWait
In the Master there's a loop where I write a byte to SPI as shown here.
movlw 2
call flashLED
call SPI_write
call delay5s
goto loop
movlw 10101010B
; pull SS low
; banksel LATC
; write the value to SPI transmit buffer
banksel SSP1BUF
movwf SSP1BUF
; wait till BF flag goes high
banksel SSP1STAT
goto $-1
; clear the BF flag by reading SSP1BUF
banksel SSP1BUF
movf SSP1BUF, w
; set SS high
; banksel LATC
When I run this, the LED flashes twice (expected) and then the program 'hangs'. The only blocking code is the wait for the BF flag to go high.
You will also notice from the commented code that I am not clear on whether I need to explicitly manipulate the SS line or whether this is done by the MSSP module (I suspect the latter) - I have tried the code with/without the SS line setting and the problem remains.
Since SPI has no explicit ACK, I believe the Slave code is likely not relevant, however, the processing loop in the Slave is here for reference.
; wait for buffer full flag
movlw 1
call flashLED
goto $-1
; read the value from the receive buffer
banksel SSP1BUF
movf SSP1BUF, w
movwf bufferValue
goto loop
FWIW, I have managed to configure a PIC16F1503 as a Master driving a DAC (MCP4091) - this is a uni-directional interaction, which worked just fine. However, it was written in C language and when I 'translated' it to ASM, it no longer worked. I thought debugging would be easier if I 'owned' both the Master and Server components, which is why I put this configuration together.
Also, the delay routines work correctly. I've been using them for years now without any problems.
Hopefully someone will be able to spot where I am going wrong.
Thanks @Kozmotronik for your suggestion. I have tried your code and the problem remains. I have ordered a logic analyser and once I have this, I should be able to get a better idea of what signals are on the output lines, if any. Also, I'm still wondering if I need to manually pull down the SS line or whether this is done automatically by the MSSP module?
I have just run my original code under the simulator and found that the BF flag is NOT set after the write to SSP1BUF. Now I don't know if the simulator is behaving incorrectly (i.e. not like real life) or whether something else in my configuration is causing this. However, if the BF flag is not being set after the write, then this explains the hang. Any thoughts?