From the PHP manual, session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor state that gc will occur based on this probability. I get that.
What I'm not clear on is whether this probability is on a session by session basis or overall.
So if my probability is 1% (1/100) that GC will occur, does that mean that if one session keeps getting extended, each time there is a 1% change that specific session will be cleaned up? Or does this mean that 1% of all existing sessions (as well as new ones) will trigger GC for all other existing sessions?
I'm pretty sure it's the latter, I just want to make sure.
The purpose of this question is that on our site, I want users to have long-term sessions (6 months). If 1% of all sessions trigger GC, then that effectively removes the purpose of having that long-term session, as GC will end up occurring every hour or two.