Clone the container object and write 2 letters and calculate the height. This return the real height with all style applied, line height, etc. Now, calculate the height object / the size of a letter. In Jquery, the height excelude the padding, margin and border, it is great to calculate the real height of each line:
other = obj.clone();
size = other.height() / 2;
lines = obj.height() / size;
If you use a rare font with different height of each letter, this does not works. But works with all normal fonts, like Arial, mono, comics, Verdana, etc. Test with your font.
<div id="content" style="width: 100px">hello how are you? hello how are you? hello how are you?</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
calculate = function(obj){
other = obj.clone();
size = other.height() / 2;
return obj.height() / size;
n = calculate($('#content'));
alert(n + ' lines');
Result: 6 Lines
Works in all browser without rare functions out of standards.