In Oracle I try to find all the rows that contains some diacritics in one column. I used something like: where regexp_like(name,'(Ă|Î|Ș|Ț|Â)','i');

The problem is that it also returns rows that contain the letters without diacritics (A,I,S,T). For example the clause above will return a row that contains "Adrian" as name. How can I search only for diacritics?

Thank you

2 Answers 2


The way diacritics is handled in comparisons and when sorting is a property of the session that depends on the value of NLS_SORT. See Linguistic Sorting and String Searching


I think it may be caused by character conversion. What do you get when you run the query?:

select 'ĂÎȘȚÂ' from dual

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