
I have a json sample getting it from a function, and have to pass some of it's parameters to my function but if they exist.

def myfunction(var1=None):
    some code

if myjson['parameter1'] == 'somestring':
    var1 = myjson['parameter1']['sub1']j


If the condition is not true, var1 will be undefined and leads to unbound local error. So what do I have to do? Is there any way to check existance in function input?

if 'var1' not in globals():
    var1 = None

I know I can use ablve code to assign var1. But I want to know if there is any better design or pythonic way pattern to do this.

I tried

myfunction(var1=var1 if 'var1' in globals())

but doesn't work.

  • 2
    You shouldn't have conditionally declared variables. var1 should always exist, but may have a None value. So in this case, you can always pass var1, as a None value is also the default parameter value.
    – deceze
    Commented May 28 at 13:07

2 Answers 2


Just always define var1 on the default None. Then only set the value if it's passed so it the function will retrieve None or myjson['parameter1']['sub1']

def myfunction(var1=None):
    some code

var1 = None
if myjson['parameter1'] == 'somestring':
    var1 = myjson['parameter1']['sub1']


A commonly seen arrangement is to collect arguments in a list, and then splat that list as the function's argument.

args = []
if something:
   args.append('the winner is foobar!')
if something_else():
   args.append('but you lost')

You should also know about **kwargs:

kwargs = {}
if something:
    kwargs["foo"] = "with onions"
if something_else();
    kwargs["bar"] = "too much beer"

which is basically equivalent to

somefunction(foo="with onions", bar="too much beer")

if both conditions were true.

  • even better... as a dict with **kwargs
    – Anentropic
    Commented May 28 at 13:35

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