I'm currently working on validating various DateTime formats provided manually by users to ensure their validity within my application. My current approach involves converting a sample DateTime object to a formatted string using the provided format and then parsing it back to compare with the original sample. While this method successfully validates some scenarios, it might not cover all edge cases.

Could you suggest any improvements or alternative approaches I could consider to enhance the validation process? Additionally, I will be sharing a list of DateTime formats I've tested along with their outcomes for reference.

I appreciate any advice or insights you can provide. Thank you!

Here's the logic I've implemented for checking the validity of a date/time format:

private static bool IsValidDateTimeFormat(string dateTimeFormat)
        // Step 1: Create a sample DateTime object
        DateTime sampleDateTime = new DateTime(2024, 6, 13, 12, 34, 56);

        // Step 2: Convert the sample DateTime object to a string using the provided format
        string formattedDateString = sampleDateTime.ToString(dateTimeFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        // Print the formatted string for debugging purposes

        // Step 3: Try to parse the formatted string back to a DateTime object
        DateTime parsedDate;
        bool isValidFormat = DateTime.TryParseExact(formattedDateString, dateTimeFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out parsedDate);
        // Additional logical check: Ensure the parsed date matches the sample date
        return isValidFormat && sampleDateTime == parsedDate;
    catch (FormatException)
        // If the format string is invalid, DateTime.ToString will throw a FormatException
        return false;

This is the outcome I got:

2024/06/13 12:34:56 Format 1 is valid: True

13-06-2024 12:34:56 Format 2 is valid: True

06/13/24 Format 3 is valid: False

2024/06/13 Format 4 is valid: False

12:34:56 Format 5 is valid: False

12:34:56 PM Format 6 is valid: False

2024-06-13T12:34:56 Format 7 is valid: True

June 13, 2024 Format 8 is valid: False

Jun 13, 2024 Format 9 is valid: False

2024.06.13 12:34:56 Format 10 is valid: True

06/13/2024 12:34:56 Format 11 is valid: True

2024/06/13 12:34:56 PM Format 12 is valid: True

24-06-13 12:34:56 Format 13 is valid: True

13/06/2024 12:34:56 Format 14 is valid: True

June 2024 Format 15 is valid: False

06/13/24 12:34:56 PM Format 16 is valid: True

240613123456 Format 17 is valid: True

06-13-2024 Format 18 is valid: False

Despite some of these formats being valid, I'm encountering incorrect outcomes for a few cases that are actually valid formats. This discrepancy arises because they do not match the sample DateTime object. Some such formats are:

06/13/24 Format is valid: False

2024/06/13 Format is valid: False

June 13, 2024 Format is valid: False

Jun 13, 2024 Format is valid: False

06-13-2024 Format is valid: False

  • My guess would be due to UTC handling as you aren't explicitly setting the DateTimeKind when you construct the DateTime value for step 1, so the Kind values don't match, so they aren't considered equal. Commented Jun 18 at 7:56
  • Those aren't valid formats for the InvariantCulture which is essentially the en-US culture. They're valid is some other culture. And some of these are impossible to parse with any certainty, like 06/13/24. Even assuming that's mm/dd/yy, is that 1924 or 2024? You can't claim it's one or the other without risking bad data Commented Jun 18 at 7:59
  • Note, codereview.stackexchange is for working code that is seeking improvements Commented Jun 18 at 7:59
  • @flackoverstow this isn't seeking improvements. The question's code is failing to parse non-US formats Commented Jun 18 at 8:00
  • @ALTHAF make your life easy; decide on some typical formats that do not result in ambiguity and let the user pick one. Giving users massive freedom of choice is generally a bad idea Commented Jun 18 at 8:02


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