According to this page, there a two definitions of a heap (used by std::make_heap, std::is_heap, etc..) :

Until C++20 :

A random access range [first, last) is a heap with respect to a comparator comp if bool(comp(first[(i - 1) / 2], first[i])) is false for all integer i in (​0​, last - first).

Since C++20 :

A random access range [first, last) is a heap with respect to a comparator comp if the range is a heap with respect to comp and std::identity{} (the identity projection).

Do you have a simpler definition? For example, when comp is std::less ? I don't understand the usage.

  • 3
    "in (0, last - first)" is an exclusive range - neither 0 nor last - first are parts of it. They borrowed common math notation - you can see [first, last) range in the same sentence, which includes first but not last. Square brackets mean "including", parens mean "excluding", and they can be matched in any combination. For a more detailed definition, see Wiki.
    – STerliakov
    Commented Aug 3 at 16:12
  • ok thanks a lot, i will edit the question to remove the note about the error and let a request for a clearer defintion. Commented Aug 3 at 16:13

1 Answer 1


I finally found the answer on wikipedia, a heap is :

  • a tree stocked in an array,
  • where the parent of element i is at index (i-1)/2
  • every parent is greater than or equal to its child for a max heap (resp. lower for a min heap).

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