I've been researching how to use optimal evaluation to optimize Discrete Program Search and I arrived at a simple solution that seems to be really effective. Based on the following tests:
f 1001101110 = 1010100110
f 0100010100 = 1001101001
Solving for 'f' (by search), we find:
xor_xnor (0:0:xs) = 0 : 1 : xor_xnor xs
xor_xnor (0:1:xs) = 1 : 0 : xor_xnor xs
xor_xnor (1:0:xs) = 1 : 0 : xor_xnor xs
xor_xnor (1:1:xs) = 0 : 1 : xor_xnor xs
My best Haskell searcher, using the Omega Monad, takes 47m guesses, or about 2.8s. Meanwhile, the HVM searcher, using SUP Nodes, takes just 1.7m interactions, or about 0.0085s. More interestingly, it takes just 0.03 interactions per guess. This sounds like a huge speedup, so, it is very likely I'm doing something dumb. As such, I'd like to ask for validation.
I've published the Haskell code (and the full story, for these interested) below. My question is: Am I missing something? Is there some obvious way to optimize this Haskell search without changing the algorithm? Of course, the algorithm is still exponential and not necessarily useful, but I'm specifically interested in determining whether the optimal evaluation version is actually faster than what can be done in Haskell.
-- A demo, minimal Program Search in Haskell
-- Given a test (input/output) pairs, it will find a function that passes it.
-- This file is for demo purposes, so, it is restricted to just simple, single
-- pass recursive functions. The idea is to use HVM superpositions to try many
-- functions "at once". Obviously, Haskell does not have them, so, we just use
-- the Omega Monad to convert to a list of functions, and try each separately.
import Control.Monad (forM_)
newtype Omega a = Omega { runOmega :: [a] }
instance Functor Omega where
fmap f (Omega xs) = Omega (map f xs)
instance Applicative Omega where
pure x = Omega [x]
Omega fs <*> Omega xs = Omega [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs]
instance Monad Omega where
Omega xs >>= f = Omega $ diagonal $ map (\x -> runOmega (f x)) xs
diagonal :: [[a]] -> [a]
diagonal xs = concat (stripe xs) where
stripe [] = []
stripe ([] : xss) = stripe xss
stripe ((x:xs) : xss) = [x] : zipCons xs (stripe xss)
zipCons [] ys = ys
zipCons xs [] = map (:[]) xs
zipCons (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x:y) : zipCons xs ys
-- A bit-string
data Bin
= O Bin
| I Bin
| E
-- A simple DSL for `Bin -> Bin` terms
data Term
= MkO Term -- emits the bit 0
| MkI Term -- emits the bit 1
| Mat Term Term -- pattern-matches on the argument
| Rec -- recurses on the argument
| Ret -- returns the argument
| Sup Term Term -- a superposition of two functions
-- Checks if two Bins are equal
bin_eq :: Bin -> Bin -> Bool
bin_eq (O xs) (O ys) = bin_eq xs ys
bin_eq (I xs) (I ys) = bin_eq xs ys
bin_eq E E = True
bin_eq _ _ = False
-- Stringifies a Bin
bin_show :: Bin -> String
bin_show (O xs) = "O" ++ bin_show xs
bin_show (I xs) = "I" ++ bin_show xs
bin_show E = "E"
-- Checks if two term are equal
term_eq :: Term -> Term -> Bool
term_eq (Mat l0 r0) (Mat l1 r1) = term_eq l0 l1 && term_eq r0 r1
term_eq (MkO t0) (MkO t1) = term_eq t0 t1
term_eq (MkI t0) (MkI t1) = term_eq t0 t1
term_eq Rec Rec = True
term_eq Ret Ret = True
term_eq _ _ = False
-- Stringifies a term
term_show :: Term -> String
term_show (MkO t) = "(O " ++ term_show t ++ ")"
term_show (MkI t) = "(I " ++ term_show t ++ ")"
term_show (Mat l r) = "{O:" ++ term_show l ++ "|I:" ++ term_show r ++ "}"
term_show (Sup a b) = "{" ++ term_show a ++ "|" ++ term_show b ++ "}"
term_show Rec = "@"
term_show Ret = "*"
-- Enumerates all terms
enum :: Bool -> Term
enum s = (if s then Sup Rec else id) $ Sup Ret $ Sup (intr s) (elim s) where
intr s = Sup (MkO (enum s)) (MkI (enum s))
elim s = Mat (enum True) (enum True)
-- Converts a Term into a native function
make :: Term -> (Bin -> Bin) -> Bin -> Bin
make Ret _ x = x
make Rec f x = f x
make (MkO trm) f x = O (make trm f x)
make (MkI trm) f x = I (make trm f x)
make (Mat l r) f x = case x of
O xs -> make l f xs
I xs -> make r f xs
E -> E
-- Finds a program that satisfies a test
search :: Int -> (Term -> Bool) -> [Term] -> IO ()
search n test (tm:tms) = do
if test tm then
putStrLn $ "FOUND " ++ term_show tm ++ " (after " ++ show n ++ " guesses)"
search (n+1) test tms
-- Collapses a superposed term to a list of terms, diagonalizing
collapse :: Term -> Omega Term
collapse (MkO t) = do
t' <- collapse t
return $ MkO t'
collapse (MkI t) = do
t' <- collapse t
return $ MkI t'
collapse (Mat l r) = do
l' <- collapse l
r' <- collapse r
return $ Mat l' r'
collapse (Sup a b) =
let a' = runOmega (collapse a) in
let b' = runOmega (collapse b) in
Omega (diagonal [a',b'])
collapse Rec = return Rec
collapse Ret = return Ret
-- Some test cases:
-- ----------------
test_not :: Term -> Bool
test_not tm = e0 && e1 where
fn = make tm fn
x0 = (O (I (O (O (O (I (O (O E))))))))
y0 = (I (O (I (I (I (O (I (I E))))))))
e0 = (bin_eq (fn x0) y0)
x1 = (I (I (I (O (O (I (I (I E))))))))
y1 = (O (O (O (I (I (O (O (O E))))))))
e1 = (bin_eq (fn x1) y1)
test_inc :: Term -> Bool
test_inc tm = e0 && e1 where
fn = make tm fn
x0 = (O (I (O (O (O (I (O (O E))))))))
y0 = (I (I (O (O (O (I (O (O E))))))))
e0 = (bin_eq (fn x0) y0)
x1 = (I (I (I (O (O (I (I (I E))))))))
y1 = (O (O (O (I (O (I (I (I E))))))))
e1 = (bin_eq (fn x1) y1)
test_mix :: Term -> Bool
test_mix tm = e0 && e1 where
fn = make tm fn
x0 = (O (I (O (O (O (I (O (O E))))))))
y0 = (I (O (I (I (I (O (I (O (I (O (I (I (I (O (I (O E))))))))))))))))
e0 = (bin_eq (fn x0) y0)
x1 = (I (I (I (O (O (I (I (I E))))))))
y1 = (I (I (I (I (I (I (I (O (I (O (I (I (I (I (I (I E))))))))))))))))
e1 = (bin_eq (fn x1) y1)
test_xors :: Term -> Bool
test_xors tm = e0 && e1 where
fn = make tm fn
x0 = (I (I (O (O (O (I (O (O E))))))))
y0 = (I (I (O (I E))))
e0 = (bin_eq (fn x0) y0)
x1 = (I (O (O (I (I (I (O (I E))))))))
y1 = (O (O (I (O E))))
e1 = (bin_eq (fn x1) y1)
test_xor_xnor :: Term -> Bool
test_xor_xnor tm = e0 && e1 where
fn = make tm fn
x0 = (I (O (O (I (I (O (I (I (I (O E))))))))))
y0 = (I (O (I (O (I (O (O (I (I (O E))))))))))
e0 = (bin_eq (fn x0) y0)
x1 = (O (I (O (O (O (I (O (I (O (O E))))))))))
y1 = (I (O (O (I (I (O (I (O (O (I E))))))))))
e1 = (bin_eq (fn x1) y1)
main :: IO ()
main = search 0 test_xor_xnor $ runOmega $ collapse $ enum False
Mat (MkO ...) ...
are clearly not going to passtest_not
. But I think you consider all of them individually anyway. If you were able to suspend the superpositions, and throw awayMat (MkO (Sup ... ...)) (Sup ... ...)
, instead, you'd be losing a huge chunk of the search space relatively cheaply.