I'm maintaining a Flutter app that uses the Facebook login feature. The Facebook API was restricted at one point due to violations, so that feature no longer works. After some back and forth with support via the resolve violation forms and multiple screencast edits, I managed to resolve all required actions and the API is no longer restricted. However, the app mode is still in development and the switch to make it Live is disabled, and on hover is shows "Screencast required before you can switch to Live mode".

Ignoring the fact that I've already uploaded the screencast via the resolve violation forms, there is no option anywhere anymore to upload the screencast again. There are no required actions, the /screencast/upload link redirects me to the dashboard, the FAQ is of no help, there is no way to contact support (the 1-on-1 support channel even returns with 404) and I generally found no solution to this. The only permissions the app uses are email & public_profile, which don't require an app review/screencast.

I'm at my wits' end here, I would really appreciate some help.

  • Only recommendation I have, is to try and report the issue via developers.facebook.com/support/bugs That is not technically the right place for these kinds of questions, but at least it can get an actual person to look at it, and perhaps make further recommendations, or resolve the issue internally.
    – C3roe
    Commented Sep 4 at 10:22
  • We literally cannot help with this. You'll have to continue working with Facebook support.
    – Chris
    Commented Sep 8 at 22:42


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