
The original problem is the following: a number of particles hit certain detectors and the information we get from those events is the coordinates of each activation. There being layers of detectors behind one another, we can plot some trajectory for each particle, knowing only the few coordinates it passed through where there was a detector. Now the problem for the neural network is to feed it all the coordinates of hits which occurred in an interval of time and have it return which hits belong to one particle and which to another

The only idea I have for the output is to number each series of hits, which follow the same trajectory, with one and the same number and in the end have a vector "naming" each input coordinate. I am questioning whether an NN can "improvise" labels like that, because each number it in theory should iterate through doesn't necessarily have a connection to any of the possible inputs, the only condition is that they are different from each other when they do not belong to the same particle. Is there a better way of doing this and would this even work as a sensible solution of the problem?

  • The topic you want to look up is "clustering algorithms" or "cluster analysis". You wouldn't use a feedforward NN for that kind of problem because of the symmetry reason you bring up, but you can shoehorn an NN in there if you try hard enough.
    – hobbs
    Commented Sep 4 at 22:20
  • Thank you, that seems exactly what I was actually looking for. Commented Sep 4 at 22:43