In my Django application, I want to implement Google and Apple login. For Google login, the frontend (using Firebase Authentication) sends me the following details: Google ID, display name, email, and photo URL. How should I store this data in the backend so that users can log in again in the future?

Should I use the django-allauth package (which requires setting up social providers with client ID and secret), or should I manually store the data in the default users table? Could you suggest the best approach?


  • I think using 'django-allauth' would be a good choice. Commented Sep 5 at 10:25
  • But it says to setup google client id and secret in my backend. Should I do this? Frontend is doing firebase authentication already.
    – Mishu Das
    Commented Sep 9 at 8:26
  • Oh, I missed that. Since your front end already handles authentication using Firebase, it makes more sense to manually store the data instead of using django-allauth. You can extend the default Django User model to include the extra fields you're getting from Google or create a one-to-one relationship with another model to help with that. I don't completely understand your system, so you'll have to decide what to do at the end of the day. Commented Sep 10 at 6:17


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