I need a high-resolution timer for the embedded profiler in the Linux build of our application. Our profiler measures scopes as small as individual functions, so it needs a timer precision of better than 25 nanoseconds.
Previously our implementation used inline assembly and the rdtsc operation to query the high-frequency timer from the CPU directly, but this is problematic and requires frequent recalibration.
So I tried using the clock_gettime
function instead to query CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID. The docs allege this gives me nanosecond timing, but I found that the overhead of a single call to clock_gettime()
was over 250ns. That makes it impossible to time events 100ns long, and having such high overhead on the timer function seriously drags down app performance, distorting the profiles beyond value. (We have hundreds of thousands of profiling nodes per second.)
Is there a way to call clock_gettime()
that has less than ¼μs overhead? Or is there some other way that I can reliably get the timestamp counter with <25ns overhead? Or am I stuck with using rdtsc
Below is the code I used to time clock_gettime()
// calls gettimeofday() to return wall-clock time in seconds:
extern double Get_FloatTime();
enum { TESTRUNS = 1024*1024*4 };
// time the high-frequency timer against the wall clock
double fa = Get_FloatTime();
timespec spec;
clock_getres( CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &spec );
printf("CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID resolution: %ld sec %ld nano\n",
spec.tv_sec, spec.tv_nsec );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TESTRUNS ; ++ i )
clock_gettime( CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &spec );
double fb = Get_FloatTime();
printf( "clock_gettime %d iterations : %.6f msec %.3f microsec / call\n",
TESTRUNS, ( fb - fa ) * 1000.0, (( fb - fa ) * 1000000.0) / TESTRUNS );
CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID resolution: 0 sec 1 nano
clock_gettime 8388608 iterations : 3115.784947 msec 0.371 microsec / call
CLOCK_MONOTONIC resolution: 0 sec 1 nano
clock_gettime 8388608 iterations : 2505.122119 msec 0.299 microsec / call
CLOCK_REALTIME resolution: 0 sec 1 nano
clock_gettime 8388608 iterations : 2456.186031 msec 0.293 microsec / call
CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID resolution: 0 sec 1 nano
clock_gettime 8388608 iterations : 2956.633930 msec 0.352 microsec / call
This is on a standard Ubuntu kernel. The app is a port of a Windows app (where our rdtsc inline assembly works just fine).
Does x86-64 GCC have some intrinsic equivalent to __rdtsc(), so I can at least avoid inline assembly?