When I am plotting, I often plot to an eps file and a png file like this:

postscript(file=paste(dir, output, "_ggplot.eps", sep=""), onefile=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE, width=4.8, height=4.0)
# Plotting code

png(paste(dir, output, "_ggplot.png", sep=""), width=450, height=300)
# Plotting code

The problem is that the plotting code is repeated twice. Is it possible to specify multiple devices for plotting?

  • 3
    p <- qplot(1,1) ; l_ply(c("png", "pdf"), function(ext, ...) ggsave(paste("_ggplot.", ext, sep=""), p, ...)) could avoid duplication of code.
    – baptiste
    Commented Oct 30, 2011 at 4:32

6 Answers 6


You can combine them using dev.copy(). For example,

  X11 ()
  plot (x,y)
  dev.copy (jpeg,filename="test.jpg");
  dev.off ();

Lookup help(dev.copy) for more details.


     dev.copy(device, ..., which = dev.next())
     dev.print(device = postscript, ...)
     dev.copy2pdf(..., out.type = "pdf")
     dev.control(displaylist = c("inhibit", "enable"))

No it's not possible. At least not according to the manual for ?grDevices:

"Details: Only one device is the ‘active’ device: this is the device in which all graphics operations occur. There is a "null device" which is always open but is really a placeholder: any attempt to use it will open a new device specified by getOption("device"))."


Tyler is correct from the standard usage. However, to make life easier, you can try an alternate method: wrap your plotting code as a function, so that you can then wrap a sequence of outputs. That can at least simplify your code for producing output.

Another possibility that may work is to fork your process, via foreach, and each iteration produces a different type of output, depending on the index associated with the iteration. I have done this to produce a lot of plots in parallel (though maybe I used Hadoop, I can't remember at the moment).


You could use a for-loop:

devices <- c("pdf", "png")

for (i in seq_along(devices)) {

    if (devices[i] == "png") {
    ppi <- 600
    png(file = "Plots/regression.png",
        width = 8.4 * ppi, height = 6.5 * ppi, res = ppi,
        family = "Latin Modern Roman")

    if (devices[i] == "pdf") {
        cairo_pdf(file = "Plots/regression.pdf", width = 8.4, height = 6.5,
                  family = "Latin Modern Roman")

    # Insert plotting code



Using the R.devices package, you can do:


devEval(c("eps", "png"), name="myfig", tags="ggplot", sep="_", aspectRatio=1.2, {
  gg <- qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars, colour=cyl)

This will generate 'myfig_ggplot.eps' and 'myfig_ggplot.png'. The default sep is a comma and the default output directory is figures/.


ggplot(....)+(...) ggsave("file1.png") ggsave("file1.pdf") ggsave("file1.jpg")

ggplot(....)+(...) ggsave("file2.png") ggsave("file2.pdf") ggsave("file2.jpg")

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