I'm pretty new to PHP and want to write a "for" statement based on IDs of a page. The problem is that the IDs are not sequential (by that I mean they are not increasing by 1 each time ie. 1,2,3,4,5). Is there a way to use "for" to use specific numbers? For example (pseudocode)

for IDnumbers i = (1,5,7,23,28,34)
 echo "function1(i)"
 echo "function2(i)"

I hope that makes sense. I basically want functions associated with each post ID to be returned, but I want the IDnumbers to be specific. Sorry if this is a basic question!

edit: wow, that really was basic. Thanks guys!

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    – poke
    Nov 2, 2011 at 22:25

7 Answers 7

// create an array
$numbers = array(1,5,7,23,28,34);

// loop over it
foreach($numbers as $number){
    echo function1($number);
    echo function2($number);
foreach (array(1,5,7,23,28,34) as $n) {
  echo "function1($n)";
  echo "function2($n)";
foreach( Array(1,5,7,23,28,34) as $i) {
    // do stuff with $i

Store the numbers in an array and use a foreach.

$IDNumbers = array(1,5,7,23,28,34);
foreach($nums as $num)
   echo function1($num);
   echo function2($num);

Read more about php foreach here.


try something like this:

IDnumbers = array(1,5,7,23,28,34)
 foreach IDnumbers as id
 echo "function1(id)"
 echo "function2(id)"

IF you MUST use FOR, then you can do this:

$IDNumbers = (1,5,7,23,28,34);

for($i = 0; $i < count($IDNumbers); $i++):
    echo function1($IDNumbers[$i]);

This is because even though you stored a number as the value in a numeric array, it still orders it sequentially in reference to the identifiers and where they were added. The value may be 7, but its pointer is 2 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in this case)

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