I've recently seen XSSI mentioned on multiple pages, e.g. Web Application Exploits and Defenses:
Browsers prevent pages of one domain from reading pages in other domains. But they do not prevent pages of a domain from referencing resources in other domains. In particular, they allow images to be rendered from other domains and scripts to be executed from other domains. An included script doesn't have its own security context. It runs in the security context of the page that included it. For example, if www.evil.example.com includes a script hosted on www.google.com then that script runs in the evil context not in the google context. So any user data in that script will "leak."
I fail to see what kind of security problems this creates in practice. I understand XSS and XSRF but XSSI is a little mysterious to me.
Can anybody sketch an exploit based on XSSI?