I need to extract the codec properties like bit rate frames resolution file format of video captures from camcorder.
4 Answers
Check out https://ffmpeg.org/, https://github.com/tanersener/mobile-ffmpeg#22-android
One way would be: ffmpeg -i myfile.mp4
ffprobe can used to list the properties of streams available in the video.
ffprobe -i <input_file_path> -show_streams
Above command list codec properties such as codec_name, codec_long_name, codec_type etc., of each stream individually.
Refer this stackoverflow answer for more info.
https://github.com/bravobit/FFmpeg-Android - FFMpeg/FFprobe compiled for Android.
If you consider GStreamer, please see gst-discover-1.0
You can using Termux in android for get codec properties of video after recorded.
- Install Termux App GooglePlay
- Install the FFmpeg package Open the Termux app from the launcher. You will be introduced to a console environment. Enter the following command:
pkg install -y ffmpeg
Show codec properties:
ffmpeg -i yourfile