I am not sure how your script works so I put this HTML application together for you. It uses a batch file called Dir.Bat
located in C:\Batch
which makes a file called Data.Txt
located in c:\Temp
. Then the script takes
over. The script reads the file Data.Txt line by line. As each line is read two split statements are used to separate out the string in the text file's name. After that I collect those strings containing numbers into the variable ListCol
as I test for larger and larger numbers. I finally wind up with the largest number which I place in your original variable tempHighNum
. I will post the HTA file and the Dir.Bat file. I know I did not write the script as a function using a parameter so if you really need to use a parameter, I will try to help you by changing the HTA file to make it possible to enter the path and file name in a TextBox. That should make it easy to
change and use. I added and changed a thing or two to make it run smoother.
I am not sure how your script works so I put this HTML application together for you. It uses a batch file called Dir.Bat
located in C:\Batch
which makes a file called Data.Txt
located in c:\Temp
. Then the script takes
over. The script reads the file Data.Txt line by line. As each line is read two split statements are used to separate out the string in the text file's name. After that I collect those strings containing numbers into the variable ListCol
as I test for larger and larger numbers. I finally wind up with the largest number which I place in your original variable tempHighNum
. I will post the HTA file and the Dir.Bat file. I know I did not write the script as a function using a parameter so if you really need to use a parameter, I will try to help you by changing the HTA file to make it possible to enter the path and file name in a TextBox. That should make it easy to
change and use. I added and changed a thing or two to make it run smoother.
<HTML><!-- C:\HTML_and_HTA_CODE_EXAMPLES\ATest.Hta -->
BORDER ="thick"
BORDERSTYLE ="complex"
CAPTION ="yes"
ICON ="http://Your URL/your icon.ico"
SCROLL ="no"
SYSMENU ="yes"
VERSION ="1.0"
.ExBt21 {background:"#E0E0E0";Color:"red";}/* For Exit Button */
.Spn4 {font-family:"arial";font-weight:"bold";Color:"blue"}
.Spn2 {Color:"red"}
.tAr1 {font-family:"arial";font-weight:"bold";Color:"blue"}
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
Sub GetFileNumber
Dim FSO, f, fc, tempHighNum, strLine, objSHO, line
Dim DataArr, Data1Arr, Data2Arr, ListCol
Set objSHO=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objSHO.run "C:\Batch\Dir.bat"
Set FSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile("c:\Temp\Data.Txt", "1")
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
fc = fc & f.ReadLine & vbLf
Data1Arr = Split(fc,vbLf)
For x=0 To Count
DataArr = Split(Data1Arr(x),".")
If x <= Count-1 Then
Data2Arr = Split(DataArr(0),"_")
ListCol = ListCol & Data2Arr(1) & vbLf
If Data2Arr(1) > tempHighNum Then
tempHighNum = Data2Arr(1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ExtBtn:Window.close:End Sub' Exit Script For Window
<BODY bgcolor="#D0D0D0">
<button OnClick="GetFileNumber">Button To Press</button><br/>
<span id="Span1" class="Spn1">The biggest No. is: </span><span id="Span2" class="Spn2"></span><br/><br/>
<span Id="Span3" Class="Spn3">Dir.Bat looks in: </span><span Id="Span4" Class="Spn4">C:\Temp\Log_???.Txt</span><br/>
<textarea Id="tArea1" class="tAr1" rows="10"></textarea><br/><br/>
<input id="ExBtn21" class="ExBt21" type="Button" name="ExitBtn21" OnClick="ExtBtn" value=" -Exit- "/><!-- Exit Button -->
The Dir.Bat file is next:
@Echo Off
Dir/B c:\Temp\Log_???.Txt>c:\Temp\Data.Txt