I came across this post after wanting to implement something like this for a while. I regularly use Measurement Studio from National Instruments, and their WinForms controls that have the event StateChanging or StateChanged pass a parameter of type ActionEventArgs, which has a property Action which can take three values: ByKeyboard, ByMouse and Programatic. This is very useful in determining what has caused the state of the control to change. I wanted to replicate this in a standard WinForms checkbox.
Here is my code:
public enum ControlSource
public class AwareCheckBox : Checkbox
public AwareCheckBox()
: base()
this.MouseDown += AwareCheckbox_MouseDown;
this.KeyDown += AwareCheckbox_KeyDown;
private ControlSource controlSource = ControlSource.Programatic;
void AwareCheckbox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
controlSource = ControlSource.ByKeyboard;
void AwareCheckbox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
controlSource = ControlSource.ByMouse;
public new event AwareControlEventHandler CheckedChanged;
protected override void OnCheckedChanged(EventArgs e)
var handler = CheckedChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new AwareControlEventArgs(controlSource));
controlSource = ControlSource.Programatic;
public delegate void AwareControlEventHandler(object source, AwareControlEventArgs e);
public class AwareControlEventArgs : EventArgs
public ControlSource Source { get; private set; }
public AwareControlEventArgs(ControlSource s)
Source = s;
I'm sure there are improvements to make, but my rudimentary testing has demonstrated that it works. I have posted here simply in case others stumble across this issue and want a clearer way of distinguishing where the change was initiated. Any comments welcome.