How do I generate a unique session id in Python?
5 Answers
UPDATE: 2016-12-21
A lot has happened in a the last ~5yrs. /dev/urandom
has been updated and is now considered a high-entropy source of randomness on modern Linux kernels and distributions. In the last 6mo we've seen entropy starvation on a Linux 3.19 kernel using Ubuntu, so I don't think this issue is "resolved", but it's sufficiently difficult to end up with low-entropy randomness when asking for any amount of randomness from the OS.
I hate to say this, but none of the other solutions posted here are correct with regards to being a "secure session ID."
# pip install M2Crypto
import base64, M2Crypto
def generate_session_id(num_bytes = 16):
return base64.b64encode(M2Crypto.m2.rand_bytes(num_bytes))
Neither uuid()
or os.urandom()
are good choices for generating session IDs. Both may generate random results, but random does not mean it is secure due to poor entropy. See "How to Crack a Linear Congruential Generator" by Haldir or NIST's resources on Random Number Generation. If you still want to use a UUID, then use a UUID that was generated with a good initial random number:
import uuid, M2Crypto
uuid.UUID(bytes = M2Crypto.m2.rand_bytes(num_bytes)))
# UUID('5e85edc4-7078-d214-e773-f8caae16fe6c')
# pip install pyOpenSSL
import uuid, OpenSSL
uuid.UUID(bytes = OpenSSL.rand.bytes(16))
# UUID('c9bf635f-b0cc-d278-a2c5-01eaae654461')
M2Crypto is best OpenSSL API in Python atm as pyOpenSSL appears to be maintained only to support legacy applications.
Those citations about UUID problems are helpful. Thanks for posting that. Question: what do you think is the best way to generate a session id? Particularly with the faults you cite in UUID implementations, how would you do it differently? I'm writing something like this right now and trying to come up with the best approach. It's also got to be fault-tolerant - e.g., can't be dependent upon connection to a database server.– ratsbaneCommented Jul 7, 2011 at 20:48
21If we strip away all the fluff, what you're basically saying is that OpenSSL.rand.bytes(16) is secure but os.urandom(16) is not. According to the docs, os.urandom's purpose is to "return a string of n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use." If generating a good session ID is not a "cryptographic use" for which os.urandom is suitable, then what is it meant for? Perhaps the correct solution is too simple for your taste, but that's Python for you. Meaningless fluff doesn't make things more secure. Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 20:27
6@SeunOsewa, you are correct about the docs and
being intended to be suitable for cryptographic use, unfortunately this isn't always the case, however. FreeBSD and OS-X have a good pool for urandom, Linux is hit or miss (though getting better). Being explicit is better than implicit. BTW, the reason I posted this was because I ran in to session ID conflict in a real world situation where session ID conflicts weren't checked and users saw each other's information. Cause? urandom wasn't being seeded properly. :-/ Reality bites sometimes.– SeanCommented Nov 29, 2011 at 19:54 -
3@SeunOsewa You're correct, both OpenSSL and os.urandom use the same source of entropy (/dev/urandom) and have the same level of security.– ramiramiCommented Jun 14, 2013 at 15:13
4A tentative -1. You claim without evidence that
is insufficiently random to be secure while OpenSSL (e.g. via M2Crypto) is better. Meanwhile @ramirami claims (also without evidence) that in fact both use the same underlying entropy source. I don't know who is right, but I'm downvoting anyway; I dislike FUD and the bold claim here (thatos.urandom
uses, or may use on some platforms, a worse source of entropy than OpenSSL, to the point that the former is cryptographically broken in contexts where the latter is secure) needs substantiating to be useful. Commented Oct 26, 2014 at 12:32
Python 3.6 makes most other answers here a bit out of date. Versions including 3.6 and beyond include the secrets
module, which is designed for precisely this purpose.
If you need to generate a cryptographically secure string for any purpose on the web, refer to that module.
import secrets
def make_token():
Creates a cryptographically-secure, URL-safe string
return secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
In use:
>>> make_token()
Should I also append a HMAC to this token? To prevent people from hijacking sessions? Commented Mar 14, 2020 at 2:18
You can use the uuid library like so:
import uuid my_id = uuid.uuid1() # or uuid.uuid4()
@Gumbo: uuid will use the things like the mac address and uptime of your computer to come up with a random uuid, why is that not random? Commented May 10, 2009 at 19:57
8uuid1(), uuid4() and even uuid5() are not good sessions. See… for a secure session ID example.– SeanCommented May 23, 2011 at 3:40
2Wiki says that
Version 4 UUIDs use a scheme relying only on random numbers.
, how is it not good for a session token? uuid5 and uuid1 are not based on random numbers, but why is uuid4 bad then?– BuddyCommented Jun 9, 2012 at 18:46 -
1UUID doesn't use a crypto secure random number generator, and is therefore unsuitable for generating secure session ids. The correct answer for Python 3.6+ is: Commented Dec 4, 2019 at 9:34
import os, base64
def generate_session():
return base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16))
2I duno, but this appears to be a valid solution. However, I'd advise you to strip the trailing "==" and also include a time stamp for less chance of a collision.– UnknownCommented May 4, 2009 at 23:34
1The chance of a collision after 4 billion iterations is 1 in 8 billion. If I want to reduce the chance of a collision further I can just increase the number of bits i.e. os.urandom(32). And I don't understand what stripping the trailing "==" is supposed to achieve. Commented Jun 7, 2009 at 13:14
1The trailing == can be removed to save space. All you have to do to decode it is to pad it back to the highest multiple of 4. Using urandom, it is possible to get very low entropy and end up with a duplicate. Using a timestamp is better.– UnknownCommented Feb 18, 2010 at 1:15
Really? (I don't see how a 4-byte timestamp is better than an additional 4 bytes of randomness, but) if what you say about low entropy is true, then I would go for an auto-incrementing session_id since it's possible for many session requests to be issued roughly at the same time. Even in a low entropy situation, I don't except urandom to ever return a duplicate 32-byte string. Pseudorandom algorithms may be attackable, but they don't return duplicate 32-byte sequences. Commented Feb 18, 2010 at 22:15
4I think it's best solution for my needs. I tried M2Crypto and PyCrypto but both present significant problems installing as well as running on windows. Commented Jul 23, 2011 at 22:52
It can be as simple as creating a random number. Of course, you'd have to store your session IDs in a database or something and check each one you generate to make sure it's not a duplicate, but odds are it never will be if the numbers are large enough.
Exactly, Hence my solution:… Commented Jun 7, 2009 at 13:15