Is there an efficient Numpy mechanism to retrieve the integer indexes of locations in an array based on a condition is true as opposed to the Boolean mask array?

For example:

#generate a mask to find all values that are a power of 2
#This will tell me those values
print x[mask]

In this case, I'd like to know the indexes i of mask where mask[i]==True. Is it possible to generate these without looping?


4 Answers 4


Another option:

In [13]: numpy.where(mask)
Out[13]: (array([36, 68, 84, 92, 96, 98]),)

which is the same thing as numpy.where(mask==True).

  • 9
    Or similarly if you always have one-dimensional arrays: numpy.flatnonzero(mask) Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 1:33

You should be able to use numpy.nonzero() to find this information.

  • 1
    use numpy.nonzero()[0] otherwise you get two arrays. One with indices and one with values. If you want to use the indices to continue, this is easier. It only gives you an array with the indices. Commented Jul 12, 2016 at 8:22
  • 6
    @FloridaMan: numpy.nonzero does not give a tuple with an array of values as the second component. The tuple is used in case the Boolean array is multidimensional. From the docs: “Returns a tuple of arrays, one for each dimension […]”.
    – equaeghe
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 21:25
array([100,  99,  98,  97,  96,  95,  94,  93,  92,  91,  90,  89,  88,
        87,  86,  85,  84,  83,  82,  81,  80,  79,  78,  77,  76,  75,
        74,  73,  72,  71,  70,  69,  68,  67,  66,  65,  64,  63,  62,
        61,  60,  59,  58,  57,  56,  55,  54,  53,  52,  51,  50,  49,
        48,  47,  46,  45,  44,  43,  42,  41,  40,  39,  38,  37,  36,
        35,  34,  33,  32,  31,  30,  29,  28,  27,  26,  25,  24,  23,
        22,  21,  20,  19,  18,  17,  16,  15,  14,  13,  12,  11,  10,
         9,   8,   7,   6,   5,   4,   3,   2])


np.where(x&(x-1) == 0)
(array([36, 68, 84, 92, 96, 98]),)

Now rephrase this like :

x[x&(x-1) == 0]

If you prefer the indexer way, you can convert your boolean list to numpy array:

print x[nd.array(mask)]

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