How can I rotate a png image in Delphi with preserving its transparency?
I loaded it via TPNGObject
I'm then using Canvas.StretchDraw(MyRect, the TPNGObject)
but I don't know how to rotate it.
3I haven't used it for rotation, but you might try the freeware at if you don't get a better answer here.– RobertFrankCommented Nov 22, 2011 at 15:26
2I suspect this will be slow and painful in VCL, slow and easy in graphics32 + VCL, and fast and easy in Firemonkey (FMX) in XE2.– Warren PCommented Nov 22, 2011 at 17:41
1Following the link in this answer will lead to example code.– Sertac AkyuzCommented Nov 22, 2011 at 18:44
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1 Answer
The problem is that if you do a rotate using the Canvas, you will lose your transparency, as you noted with TPNGObject.
This is because the Canvas doesn't support transparency at the level required by a PNG image.
Instead, you must use specialized code to rotate the PNG image. Here is a link to a library of code that supports the TPNGObject, including a function to rotate it:
Thanks Marcus so much ..but do you have any idea how to fasten this code because he uses a for loop over the width and height.– Sara S.Commented Nov 24, 2011 at 7:59