There are already a lot of good approaches in the provided answers (here, here and here). If speed is what are you primarily looking for, you should definitely consider doing the job through Lua's C API, which is many times faster than raw Lua code. When working with preloaded chunks (eg. load function), the difference is not that big, but still considerable.
As for the pure Lua solutions, let me share this small benchmark, I've made. It covers every provided answer to this date and adds a few optimizations. Still, the basic thing to consider is:
How many times you'll need to iterate over characters in string?
- If the answer is "once", than you should look up first part of the banchmark ("raw speed").
- Otherwise, the second part will provide more precise estimation, because it parses the string into the table, which is much faster to iterate over. You should also consider writing a simple function for this, like @Jarriz suggested.
Here is full code:
-- Setup locals
local str = "Hello World!"
local attempts = 5000000
local reuses = 10 -- For the second part of benchmark: Table values are reused 10 times. Change this according to your needs.
local x, c, elapsed, tbl
-- "Localize" funcs to minimize lookup overhead
local stringbyte, stringchar, stringsub, stringgsub, stringgmatch = string.byte, string.char, string.sub, string.gsub, string.gmatch
print("Raw speed:")
-- Version 1 - string.sub in loop
x = os.clock()
for j = 1, attempts do
for i = 1, #str do
c = stringsub(str, i)
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V1: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 2 - string.gmatch loop
x = os.clock()
for j = 1, attempts do
for c in stringgmatch(str, ".") do end
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V2: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 3 - string.gsub callback
x = os.clock()
for j = 1, attempts do
stringgsub(str, ".", function(c) end)
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V3: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- For version 4
local str2table = function(str)
local ret = {}
for i = 1, #str do
ret[i] = stringsub(str, i) -- Note: This is a lot faster than using table.insert
return ret
-- Version 4 - function str2table
x = os.clock()
for j = 1, attempts do
tbl = str2table(str)
for i = 1, #tbl do -- Note: This type of loop is a lot faster than "pairs" loop.
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V4: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 5 - string.byte
x = os.clock()
for j = 1, attempts do
tbl = {stringbyte(str, 1, #str)} -- Note: This is about 15% faster than calling string.byte for every character.
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = tbl[i] -- Note: produces char codes instead of chars.
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V5: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 5b - string.byte + conversion back to chars
x = os.clock()
for j = 1, attempts do
tbl = {stringbyte(str, 1, #str)} -- Note: This is about 15% faster than calling string.byte for every character.
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = stringchar(tbl[i])
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V5b: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
print("Creating cache table ("..reuses.." reuses):")
-- Version 1 - string.sub in loop
x = os.clock()
for k = 1, attempts do
tbl = {}
for i = 1, #str do
tbl[i] = stringsub(str, i) -- Note: This is a lot faster than using table.insert
for j = 1, reuses do
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V1: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 2 - string.gmatch loop
x = os.clock()
for k = 1, attempts do
tbl = {}
local tblc = 1 -- Note: This is faster than table.insert
for c in stringgmatch(str, ".") do
tbl[tblc] = c
tblc = tblc + 1
for j = 1, reuses do
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V2: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 3 - string.gsub callback
x = os.clock()
for k = 1, attempts do
tbl = {}
local tblc = 1 -- Note: This is faster than table.insert
stringgsub(str, ".", function(c)
tbl[tblc] = c
tblc = tblc + 1
for j = 1, reuses do
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V3: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 4 - str2table func before loop
x = os.clock()
for k = 1, attempts do
tbl = str2table(str)
for j = 1, reuses do
for i = 1, #tbl do -- Note: This type of loop is a lot faster than "pairs" loop.
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V4: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 5 - string.byte to create table
x = os.clock()
for k = 1, attempts do
tbl = {stringbyte(str,1,#str)}
for j = 1, reuses do
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V5: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
-- Version 5b - string.byte to create table + string.char loop to convert bytes to chars
x = os.clock()
for k = 1, attempts do
tbl = {stringbyte(str, 1, #str)}
for i = 1, #tbl do
tbl[i] = stringchar(tbl[i])
for j = 1, reuses do
for i = 1, #tbl do
c = tbl[i]
elapsed = os.clock() - x
print(string.format("V5b: elapsed time: %.3f", elapsed))
Example output (Lua 5.3.4, Windows):
Raw speed:
V1: elapsed time: 3.713
V2: elapsed time: 5.089
V3: elapsed time: 5.222
V4: elapsed time: 4.066
V5: elapsed time: 2.627
V5b: elapsed time: 3.627
Creating cache table (10 reuses):
V1: elapsed time: 20.381
V2: elapsed time: 23.913
V3: elapsed time: 25.221
V4: elapsed time: 20.551
V5: elapsed time: 13.473
V5b: elapsed time: 18.046
In my case, the string.byte
and string.sub
were fastest in terms of raw speed. When using cache table and reusing it 10 times per loop, the string.byte
version was fastest even when converting charcodes back to chars (which isn't always necessary and depends on usage).
As you have probably noticed, I've made some assumptions based on my previous benchmarks and applied them to the code:
- Library functions should be always localized if used inside loops, because it is a lot faster.
- Inserting new element into lua table is much faster using
tbl[idx] = value
than table.insert(tbl, value)
- Looping through table using
for i = 1, #tbl
is a bit faster than for k, v in pairs(tbl)
- Always prefer the version with less function calls, because the call itself adds a little bit to the execution time.
Hope it helps.