How to create a Multi-Column Index and/or Unique Constraint using NHibernate Mapping or Fluent NHibernate.

2 Answers 2


assign a index/unique constraint name to more then one property

<property name="A" index="AB" />
<property name="B" index="AB" />

Theoretical it would also work with having more then one index on the same entity:

<property name="A" index="AB, ABC" />
<property name="B" index="AB, ABC" />
<property name="C" index="ABC" />

But there is a bug. I also wrote a patch. if you are interested in this, please vote for the bug or add comment or something.

Edit: just checked what happened to the bug. It is fixed in version 2.1.0, so it should perfectly work now. Many thanks to the great NHibernate developer team!

  • 3
    For Fluent NHibernate you have to use SetAttribute, which'd make it something like: Map(x => x.A).SetAttribute("index", "AB"); May 7, 2009 at 15:13
  • 1
    For anyone wondering, Fluent NHibernate now supports .Index("IndexName..."), rather than having to use SetAttribute.
    – Phill
    Jul 15, 2011 at 1:08
  • It is important to say that the 'index' (and 'unique-key' too) property is used by NHibernate only when it generates a CREATE TABLE statement and doesn't prevent NHibernate from trying to insert a duplicate row when using session.Save etc.
    – tmaj
    Sep 22, 2011 at 1:39

Old, but I have something to add since I came across this same issue:

Stefan Steinegger answered correctly for non-unique multi-column indexes, but left out the code for unique multi-column indexes. For those you can use:

<property name="A" unique-key="AB" />
<property name="B" unique-key="AB" />

So, essentially the same but with a different attribute name.

An interesting thing to note is that for unique indexes, NHibernate generates its own name for the key, but for non-unique indexes it uses whatever you give it.

For example, the above code will NOT generate a unique index named "AB", but rather something like UQ__TableName__7944C87104A02EF4.

This is documented in section 19.1.1 of the NHibernate documentation:

Some tags accept an index attribute for specifying the name of an index for that column. A unique-key attribute can be used to group columns in a single unit key constraint. Currently, the specified value of the unique-key attribute is not used to name the constraint, only to group the columns in the mapping file.

However the following:

<property name="A" index="AB" />
<property name="B" index="AB" />

will just generate an index named "AB".

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