On my client side, I have a rich text area where the user is allowed to enter HTML. Then, how on PHP do i ensure that the PHP is safe. Is there any validation in php for checking HTML??

from safe I mean that the HTML does not contain any malicious code


3 Answers 3


You'll want to sanitize your input before saving it. http://htmlpurifier.org/ does a great job and is pretty easy to implement and insanely configurable.

  • Yep, agree. HtmlPurifier has been commonly referenced as doing sanitizing best! ha.ckers.org/xss.html contains a very large list of possible XSS attacks. You will never be able to counter those by hand...! Dec 9, 2011 at 7:48

You could look into HTMLPurifier http://htmlpurifier.org/, I have yet to use it but I remember seeing a screencast or two on it at www.zendcasts.com.

You could also use a Zend Framework Filter like Zend_Filter_StripTags.


You could strip the tags that are not allowed, using strip_tags();

$allow = '<p><ul><li><b><strong>'; // Just an example
$input = strip_tags($input,$allowedtags);

Other than that it's adviced to use mysql_real_escape_string($input) or better yet, use: Is this a safe way to filter data and prevent SQL-injection and other attacks?

  • you should point out clearly that html filtering and sql escaping are different countermeasures for different attack vendors: SQL injection (which breaks your DB) vs PHP/HTML injection (which breaks your application / website)
    – Kaii
    Dec 9, 2011 at 8:38
  • Agreed, it are two different things. But since the TS spoke about "malicious code" i thought i'd add it.
    – mat
    Dec 9, 2011 at 10:23

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